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Search results for query: *

  • Users: 2009luca
  • Content: Threads
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  1. 2009luca

    Dubt on Cloud storage

    If i save my access database in a my Cloud, possible to connect it with ADO and Vb 6.0?
  2. 2009luca

    difficult to crteate a query very complicated

    this table contain a price list of room. DAL and AL is the period (from>to) PREZZO is the price Based myvarfrom="05/06/2024 and myvarto="15/06/2024" and myvaroom="SINGOLA" how to calculate the price of the living room note: Naturally myvarfrom and myvarto and myvaroom is dinamic
  3. 2009luca

    checkbox on msflex grid

    Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click() Dim I As Integer With MSFlexGrid1 If .Col = 0 Then If .CellPicture = picChecked Then Set .CellPicture = picUnchecked '.TextMatrix(.Row, 34) = "S" Else Set...
  4. 2009luca

    SET FOCUS on treeview node

    My code: Private Sub CONTA_COMUNI() Dim MYNODE As Node Dim NRTOT As Long VALORE = "004017" NRTOT = 0 For Each MYNODE In Me.TreeView1.nodes If MYNODE.children = 0 Then NRTOT = NRTOT + 1 ISTAT = Split(MYNODE, "-")(0)...
  5. 2009luca

    SET focus on node treeview

    possible when i lick on a node to dont set focus the node? actually when i click on node the node is covered with a blue rectangle, i dont love tath... https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=9cc39e69-fce6-4dde-b28f-d988e8205f12&file=Immagine.gif
  6. 2009luca

    i dont view any icon durin node add

    part of code when add the frist node: ... With Me.TreeView1 'LockWindowUpdate .hwnd M = 0 .LineStyle = tvwRootLines Set Me.TreeView1.ImageList = Me.ImageList1 .Style = tvwTreelinesPlusMinusText .nodes.Clear Set NOD =...
  7. 2009luca

    GET splitted value from node and sub node in treeview

    Based a click on each node with a splitted value "-" of node i need to get the left part of node...(i think is a (0) item of splitted value) for example click on 1-NORD-OVEST i need 1 for example click on 1-PIEMONTE i need 1 for example click on AL-ALESSANDRIA i need AL ... for example click on...
  8. 2009luca

    USE find instead to loop

  9. 2009luca

    COUNT all items in trteeview in last level

    How to count COUNT all items in trteeview in last level? tks
  10. 2009luca

    CHECK color of shape

    i have a series of shape, similar shp(0), shp(1)... shp(N) on label 1. Possible to check with mouse move on restricted area of label1 the color of shape and the index of single shape shp(n)? note: i can have only tree color: 'VERDE &H0000C000& 'ARANCIONE &H000080FF& 'ROSSO &H000000FF&...
  11. 2009luca

    graph with access database - im on vb6

    I ned to rapresent in a graph the value ANNO and PERC... Possible? https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=67bcff12-5d93-44ce-9255-af56b4ce8106&file=TEST.zip
  12. 2009luca

    SORT msflexgrid column 1 with decimal number

    i just have in ciolumn 1 this: 0,45 0,7 -0,47 -11,80 0,5 ecc... how to sort the comlumn value? Tks
  13. 2009luca

    TWO table with the same classname

    i usse this code to get value from a table Italy population history: Private Sub FILL_TABELLA_ANNI() Dim ODOM As HTMLDocument Set ODOM = CreateObject("htmlFile") Dim X As Long Dim ANNO As String, POPZ As String, PERC As String SQL = "DELETE * FROM TABELLA_ANNI"...
  14. 2009luca

    population of italy live/real time

    Based this link: https://www.neodemos.info/category/popolazione/ is possible to insert into a form (a label for example) the real time of population of Italy. See image. https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=8b628222-49bb-466f-ae34-0b044327898d&file=Immagine.jpg other way are...
  15. 2009luca

    GET date from classname

    wath is incorrect from this code: Option Explicit Sub TEST() Dim http As New XMLHTTP60, html As New HTMLDocument, DATA_AGG As String Dim source As Object With http .Open "GET", "https://www.tuttitalia.it/italia/", False .send html.body.innerHTML =...
  16. 2009luca

    Never used image webp

    Ho to display a webp image in pictirebox or in image box. Tks
  17. 2009luca

    DISPLAYING pdf in picturebox

    Possible to displaying .pdf file in picturebox? Tks
  18. 2009luca

    get elelmnt in dropdown on web page

    Option Explicit Sub prova() Const URL As String = "https://italia.indettaglio.it/ita/comuni/comuni_c.html" Dim IE As New InternetExplorer, oHtml As HTMLDocument, post As Object, R& With IE .Visible = True .Navigate URL Do While .Busy: DoEvents: Loop...
  19. 2009luca

    START mycode if on clck on msflexgrid

    START mycode if i clck only on col= 0 and row is between the row=1 at to the and of list for eamxple i have 23 row start code if i click between row 1 and row 23
  20. 2009luca

    CENTER image in picturebox

    Attached my form. with the code i see the image on the left and not in center of picturebox?!!! https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=798f651c-96ec-402b-b91c-186174b043a8&file=SU.gif...

Part and Inventory Search
