Here is what I have and what they want to happen.
Dept has a DID (Lets say exten 8600) going to 2 phone's using MDA ( These are SIP phones)
They want queuing but don't want to spend the cash for ACD License.
I tried setting it up this way
Created a test VDN 22035
Added it to vector 48 ( Which...
I'm a little puzzled on how to go about this[hairpull]
History (Hopefully this makes sense on what I'm trying to accomplish)
We have a Nortel that uses Hotline to our security staff
The Exten to multiple security phones is 450050
The Nortel is setup like this
This is on the Key of the phone...
Reason I ask is I have issues with 1 way audio since the Avaya upgrade and polycom has no solutions to the issue and was wondering is this can be setup from a SIP device to H323? Thanks Joe
I was just wondering if there is any way to setup a phone to load SIP as default under a multi H323 and SIP environment. Under SIG Setting in the 46xx setting file you do have a choice but if you leave it with value 2 and all the h323 phones reload you have havoc on your hands ( ALL H323 phone...
Seems that after we upgraded AVAYA System and Session manager to 7.1 we had issues with the Polycom products IP5000/IP7000 needed and upgrade to the firmware and resolved the issue. However the Video cx5500 even after the recommended fix on upgrading the unit to 1.3.4 still have the issue with 1...
Hi Everyone.
I'm not well versed with the Nortel but can get around. I remember with the Rolm system there was a way to do a plug test to see if there was a phone attached to a PAD address ( TN) and also to see phone failures in the system . Is this possible with a Nortel. If so can anyone give...
This all started with upgrading AVAYA Session Manager to 7.1 all the Polycom's ( IP5000.IP7000 and Duo) when pressing the answer key upon getting a call wont work. Found out the reason is because we have old UC software loaded on the units and needed 4.0.14 along with upgraded Boot firmware in...
If anyone already went trough an upgrade on your Avaya Aura 6.x to 7.x using Existing Servers (Session/System Manager/CM )and was successful We would like to ask a few questions regarding the upgrade. If we can talk offline would be great.
Thanks for any info you can Provide! Joe
Just a few simple questions since I cant seem to find an answer on web.
Does 7.0 have the ability to add Visual voicemail like office IP?
Can you directly transfer a caller to Voicemail using the Message key on the phone?
I currently using Avaya Aura 6.3 along with Avaya Aura messaging...
Hi Everyone I tried looking this up with no success and need to reach out.
We have both a Nortel Opt81 and Avaya Aura 6.3 on site and when a caller from the Avaya calls a user to the Nortel the only thing that displays on the Nortel phone is Hxxxx xxxx= ext number and no name. if you go vise a...
700505424 9608G GLOBAL 9608GD03A Must use SIP or later, or H.323 or later.
9608GD03B Must use SIP or later, or H.323 or later.
This is just an FYI
Above shows the newer 9608G phones marked 9608GD03B. Phones will not load your SIP files 46xxsetting if...
I do realize the quick answer is Don't Assign DID numbers! But we are very limited with Non-DID numbers and running the search I only found solutions for IP Office and Nortel.
Just looking to block any direct incoming calls to agents but would like internal calls to work.
thanks for any help...
Has anyone been successful in adding the same extension on a Spectralink 8440 phone with a primary Avaya 9608SIP station.
Right now I'm using up a primary number on the Avaya side and bridging the spectralink extension to the desktop Avaya phone.
Also has anyone been able to put 2 exten...
Hi Everyone,
I'm having an issue with Coverage answer groups.
I'm in a Hospital setting and in the ER when the EMT need a doctor for advice we have a main number Virtual # 1900 that goes to a Cover Answer Group that has 2 numbers 1715 and 1901
Phone A= 1715x3 Bridge appearance # 1901 x3
As the person with the tread above I see a lot of issues and request for help regarding Roaming issues with the Spectralink WiFi SIP 8440 phone but no solution.
We have been working with both Spectralink and Aruba on this Roaming issue with no solution yet.
Seems that when...
We have an Spectralink OAI Gateway model MOG 700 (old unit) with spectralink wifi 8440 phones when programming the Curser is so slow you want to trash the unit. We are telnetting into it via putty is there a setting we need to change to allow this to work properly?
It does work and changes can...
Hi Everyone this is the delemma I'm in
We have Spectralinks 8440 SIP Based wifi phones using the ec500 feature pointed at a Old Nortel Meridian deskphone. So when the Spectralink rings the Nortel Rings. However when we lose signal on the Spectralink and the number is called the caller goes...
Hi everyone,
This is probably an easy solution.
I have 4 extensions in a coverage path and would like voicemail to answer on the last entry instead of the first entry. Anyway to do this?
Hi Everyone,
Looking to see if anyone has in place the (Parrallel Call Forking or Multi Device Access Feature installed) and is it works as advertised. I do know you need 6.2 with feature pack 2 installed. And from what I found out in the doc Administering Avaya one-x Moblile SIP for IOS page...
Currently we are implementing Avaya SIP Platform and have all trunks out of the Nortel PBX when callers get answered from the Nortel operator and transfer to an Avaya user the ANI of caller does not get passed just the transfered caller info(Operator info) Any ideas? Thanks Joe
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