Afternoon all. I have a customer with a SV8100. We are trying to change over their SIP provider but have hit a snag. On the Authorization in the SIP URI it is just sending to an IP and the carrier is asking for domain:
What setting do I change for this?
I have been working with Mitel on getting the MIR installed.
I most of everything now running and just as I look to start bringing departments online I notice that each test call seems to consume 2 tap licenses on the MBG.
Does anyone know if this is normal? I know when these licenses start...
Okay old school paging enthusiasts!
Have an old paging system snaking throughout a large building.
Recently I get calls that it stops working. Sometimes I head over and it is fine when I get there sometimes not.
Swapped amps (Bogen), changed out input to an Algo 8180 (which pages fine from...
Once upon a time I came across how to change this but forgot.
Somewhere.... There is a way to change what menus are hidden behind the Advanced Menu.
For the life of me I can't find where to change this again.
Help appreciated :)
Anyone tried the webrtc agent combo on the latest (I think it is out now).
We are looking to go softphone on the users here with Web Ignite, but I REALLY don't want to install micollab.
I am upgrading my cluster of 15 controllers....
Upgrading one of my controllers to 9.4 has caused dtmf not to pass through to nupoint.
I upgraded nupoint and my vMCD to the latest as well.
If I put my port directly on the remote 9.4 controller it works.
If I put it on another system tried on...
We have a scenario where we need to have a local folder on certain PC's that need to have a copy of a folder locally that synchronizes.
These are in sites with poor internet connection and rotating personnel travelling between sites.
Looking for a way to have a folder sync'd but not require a...
Anyone out there play much with Grandstreams on a 3300?
I have been playing around. Any tricks or setting would be appreciated.
One question I have is while I believe the guide says that DSS/BLF are not really supported on generic sip devices had anyone been able to figure this out?
The old...
Have a customer and we have setup GFI faxmaker.
If making/receiving faxes through the 3300 using PRI it goes out g.711 and works fine - both out and in
If making/receiving faxes through SIP trunks (ThinkTel) according to the wireshark it is always trying to negotiate t.38. - We do not want this...
I hope that someone can please assist me with this.
I have read the advanced traffic management guide and would like to beat the person who wrote it. VERY convoluted.
All I simply want to have enabled is packet level (bit set) DSCP 46 priorized.
We have switched to softphones and rolling out...
The SIP COE is so far out of date and currently the MiVB support is useless
Anyone have this setup - preferably using SIP trunks for incoming/outgoing to the MiVB (to avoid the t.38 license) and then the SIP trunks setup for the link btw the MiVB and the GFI?
I don't even see any sip traffic...
Any one had any luck getting this to work?
I am getting an error that the client is not open, but it is. Tried multiple PC's etc/
All 3 tech supports (3300, MiCollab and MiCC) don't have a clue of even where to look to trouble shoot.
The MiCC SDK is showing feature not allowed but I know that...
Okay so we have a major customer and a few others who are about to look at a different audio web service because of the confusing nature with the whole Join, Join as leader, use desktop client thing and AWV.
I opened a ticket with these new tier 1 guys at Mitel and as has been with the last few...
I have a Dect 612, everything programming is great except for entering the ipei. The field in the base won't except anything longer than 10 digits but the ipei is 13.
Anyone have this?
Hey all, I am not an sql programmer by trade. A bit of a google and figure it out type.
Can someone let me know how to save the following as a stored procedure? (attached I hope, doesn't seem to like the pasted version)...
I find it so infuriating that Mitel is still not supporting custom ringtones yet.
Has anyone been able to figure out how to either:
A) Edit/View the .ST files
B) Connect to the phones to view the files in the file structure.
I see the upload option and assume that the audio files may exist in...
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