hi every one
tsw sp7
how can i use an tlu 76 with one phisical port to 2 diferent device
example i use tlu76 15 port to one tda30 panasonic and how wont use another 15 port empty for difrent link tlu 76 have one port???
hi i link mxone sp7 with a elastix server tlu76---d115 open vox if call from out incoming caller id working but internal call to mx-one from elastix or elastix to mxone caller id not working plesae help thanks
1 SL60...
hi i have tsw sp7
rou=1 , tl11
i give limit the extention to number edit
example :extention=32654 acces to all category rout but cant dial 09 and can dial 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09
rout dest =0 limit extention to dial 9 after 0 can?
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