Hi All,
AN organisation ask me to suggest a system to replace their bp 250,
they are using 24 Digital phones incluing 2 operator stations
96 analog phones
and 48 duct phones with 6 radios.
what system i can suggest to repalce this system from...
Hi all,
a cpu d5 is not giving cil output ver17 is cpu. i tookt an admin back up.
client provide a cpu-d which is ver 15. when try toput the back up the system didnt accept,
when change the ver 17 cpu promset to ver 15 cpu it accepted the back up but still the cil out put is not...
Hi all,
A client has two bp250 in two location . the distance between the sites is 400 kilometers.
recently they get fiber connectvity between the sites for data. can we connect both the bp250 using
ipu cards thru fiber. if possible how many cards should use in each sites...
Hi all,
I need to connect 4 v-sat telephone line as analog line trunk to btu a in bp250.
i did connect it as normal pstn analog line but no out going . incomming is there .
i tried to change diffrent parametres but no luck yet.
any advice from the experts who...
Hi All,
i have a isdn pri DID range from 100 to 199. in comming call is okey like xxxx102 it ring in ext 102, when I dial to my cell phone from ext 102 my cell phone shows only the pilot number which is not a DID NUMBER. How can i get number xxxx102 in my cell.
Thanks in...
Hello all,
I have to connect 4 line comming tru v-sat modem. thise lines are working with normal analog phones. when i connected tjose lines in BTU A as analog trunks. incomming is okey but no outgoing. when u dial 0 , i am getting the line tone but further...
Hi All,
Any command is there to find the status of pri lines in BP250.
or any way to trace on line. if so how.
something like SUSIP:ROU=XX,TRU=ALL;
Thanks in advance.
in a bp250 system we have iccu2 card with fecu32, and iclu with five radios are there. i wanted
to add 32 more duct phones. how to start with. kindly help.
Hi all,
The mx one is connected to an external SIP pabx with two E1.
The mx one is connected to pstn with two E1.
SIP system calling the PSTN Thru mx one.
now some calls from the SIP SYSTEM are disconnecting and they get the
report as follows.
We have an mxone tsw sp8. iplu card configuired to connect 30+ ip phone to work main offices thru wan radio connection. now some offices wanted to use conference phone (spider phone).
how can i connect conferenece phone . tsw sp8 only support H323.
We have spare analog...
Hi ,
We have recently up graded to mx tsw sp8. and added a lim with iplu card with a licence of 60 ip phones.
now we wanted to add another 60 ip phones what i need to buy to achive that.
is the licence is enough or do i need one more iplu card.
Hi all,
here is a senario .
NOW BETWEEN A AND B THERE 2 E1 60 channel connection is there.
between b and c one E1 TO PSTN.
HI all,
few days back i was in a site. there they have 4 lines from v-sat modem. all 4 line working with normal analog phone.
those line when connected to bp 250 thru btu a . the in comming is okey. but no out going. when u dial '0,
you will get external tone. further i canot dial. the dial...
Hi all,
how to configure four extensions for auto attend in mx one. like cat and grp.
i would like the caller to transfer to auto attend when operator is busy and when in night mode.
pls explain with command pattern.
i wanted to syncronize the sattelite modem for telephone to bp250.
i am getting 4 similar to analog tel line for my system which i connected to the system.
thru btu a. incoming call is okey but out going call is not going. so it seems i have to sync it with the modem...
hi all,
i connected a sattelite telephone number connected as a analog trunk in bp250.
when i dial 0 i am getting externel tone but cannot dial out.
i connected a normal internal line a trunk then the in comming is okey.
but no out going any tip how to solve...
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