I have tried using the VT520 terminal and have also remoted in through a modem and used PuttyTel on my PC, in both instances what I type in does not match what is being displayed. For example, when I hit the enter key, I get ^M come up on the screen. I was using the PBX terminal all day without...
I've moved a phoneline from a dead TN to 2 different "working" TNs and it works for an hour or so then that TN dies. What would cause a phoneline to continuosly kill the TN it's on??
I have an m2616 that needs to be configured to show caller ID on incoming calls while the user is on the phone. Enduser only has one DN on both key 0 and key 1. Right now when the eu is on the phone and someone dials, it goes straight to voicemail and caller ID is not displayed. How can we fix this?
I can only get into the setup menu by pressing F3. When I take the terminal offline, and exit setup mode, I can then type into the keyboard and see the letters on the screen. When it's back on online mode, I type, and nothing comes up on the screen. So I cannot login to my PBX.
Hello fellow Techs!
I currently have experience with Nortel PBX opt 81C. Was just asked about experience with Call Center and Call Pilot as well? How different are these than doing the regular PBX adds, moves, deletes on the 81C PBX? Also, does any one have good books I can use to sharpen my...
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