Could someone help me out with this. I've changed the Application pool settings trying to fix an issue and now i've locked myself out of EMC.
Could I get a screen shot of your working settings. This is what I have and forgot to mark what I had.
I've created a new Simphony server, Windows 2008 R2, MS SQL Server 2008 R2. The purpose of this server is to familarize myself with Simphony, I am currently on Micros 9700 v4 and consider myself an expert (going on 10+ years of experience), however, 9700 is going to be dead in a few years so I...
I am new to Simphony (at least the functionality of it), I am looking to see if there is any way to restart the services? Similar to the way you can with 9700 (command prompt, micros stop, micros start, micros ops down, etc...)
For all 3700 v5 users. Micros/Oracle has put out a notice that Micros 3700/3700 EM IS NOT compatible with Windows 10.
Micros/Oracle Bulletin
I finally got my lab up for Simphony, however when I go to run EMC, I get the following error when I try to log in.
I am using the default micros, micros username and password combo. I've tried connecting via localhost, server IP and server name. I cannot figure...
I am trying to install Micros Simphony v2.7, I get all the way to where I am asked to enter the information that will be used to create the Transaction Database (#1). I fill in all the correct information. However, I get this message when I enter the admin login (#2), See part #3 in the...
I've never been able to get the TRANS_CANCEL event to work. I am running Micros 9700 3.6. I want to say that there are a few others that have mentioned the same thing. So while helping on this post here, I looked into why this wasn't working, see info below.
I found an error in Micros'...
Found this (Oracle Hospitality Legacy Online Documentation Libraries)
@Admins/Mods: Is it possible to sticky this post? The link has a lot of documentation links that I know a lot of people ask for. I did not have to sign anywhere for this link.
Does anyone have any installation notes for installing Simphony v2.7 (2.700.400)?
I have two servers, an App and DB. Each has necessary specs and plenty of drive space. They are Windows 2008 R2 servers, the DB server has 2008 SQL Server r2 installed. I am trying to install the Database on to...
I had originally posted here (, however, it was suggested to try this forum.
I get the following error when I am running a spreadsheet on Windows 7 using Excel 2010.
Run-time error '-2147221005 (800401f3)': Invalid class string
I get the following error when I am running a spreadsheet on Windows 7 using Excel 2010.
Run-time error '-2147221005 (800401f3)': Invalid class string
The spreadsheet works fine using Excel 2003 on an XP box.
Error is at this line... It never makes it past this line. So I cannot Stop the...
Has anyone successfully setup a Micros Winclient (Winstation) to use a Windows printer? If so let me know how you've done it. If I figure it out sooner, I'll let you all know.
Hey All, I have a question regarding the font printing size from Device Printers, specifically an EPSON TM-U220B. I know of the dip switch settings for CPL, which is not what I want. I've looked through the manual and cannot find the setting for Font size. Does anyone know of a setting to get...
Does anyone know if it is possible to take an image of a Workstation (4 or 5) like you can a PC?
I've been trying to do this but have yet to get the workstation to boot to USB. Anythoughts?
Hey everyone,
I have a new Client I am working with, however, I do not know the Micros version. I do know that they have a few Micros Eclipse workstations they got when they purchased a failed Restaurant. I know this workstation can be on a 9700 system (which I am very familiar with) and...
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