I have been asked to move our current HP D6000 to another server.
We need to decomission our current HP D380 G7 and replace it with a G8. Do you know if it is possible to plug it into our G7 without losing any data?
Currently the it is using Mount Points from the D6000 on a raid5...
Hello Helpful people of the Internet
I have recently been given a task to change all our domain controllers to Windows 2012 core. This will be the first time I have done anything of this nature and my experience with DC's is limited at best. The actual process itself seems pretty straight...
In a bit of a pickle :(
Is there a way to get a list of DDI number ranges? I have manage to export a full list of every number however this contains other extensions which are internal only. I need to get a list of DDI's for all sites/3300
Currently I am seeing internal only numbers, VM...
Hi Again,
Does anyone know where I can find the log files that indicate what numbers are being dialed by external people?
I have this ext which when dialed works fine, unless the full DDI number is dialed in which case it says "The number you have dialed is not recognised" in our providers...
Hi All,
Im a bit of a novice here with Mitel and was wondering how I could go about setting up the following.
I need to change our current Main reception number which I believe is a call forward to a 3rd party to a simple hardwareless phone number which goes directly to voicemail saying...
We have recently upgraded to exchange 2010 and are in the process of removing our old 2003 servers. Due to this we need to update our local 3300 to point to the new servers for anything SMTP related. To the best of my knowledge the only mitel features that use smtp are
A) Mitel...
Hi all,
I was wondering if if anyone would could tell me where to change the outside line number.
Basically I have setup a conference phone in our paris office. Here where I am we use 9 to get an outside line and in paris they use 0
but for some reason the phone I setup in paris requires a 9...
Since turning on the Mitel alerts we seem to get notifications every Sunday without fail. But when I check the system everything seems to be fine however the logs show a system reboot. I remember a while back speaking with an engineer who said this would happen but I wouldnt have thought...
I have been asked to change the email addresses our main line gets to someone else and for the life of me I cannot find this vm box anywhere.
It seems the number people dial is 6600 is actaully a hunt group which contains 3 other lines called main 5601, 5602, 5603
Does anyone know where...
We have a service desk voicemail box which is only active out of hours. Everything seems to be working however I am trying to set it up so when people call they are presented with a message saying that the office is closed and to call back later. The only issue is that it then aske they...
We currently have a number (5333) which is our tech support number. Typically when this number is dialed it then forwards/broadcasts the call to our 3 tech guys.
The issue we are having is for some reason one of the numbers has stopped receiving calls while the other two ring fine.
I seem to have an issue whith what I thought was one of our hunt groups however I have since looked in our hunt group list under the menu "Hunt Groups" within the Mitel Communications Director web page and found that there is only one group which is not the one I need. Does anyone know...
Hi Everybody
I am having a bit of trouble setting up 2 new conference phones each on a different 3300, but they are both getting the same issue. The only configuration I have done is creating 2 phone accounts\number in OP's manager based on what our current IP5000's have and logging onto web...
We have noticed that alot of numbers\people are not appearing on our reception consoles most of whom are fairly new starters.
We use a system called vistapoint which im not sure if it is apart of Mitel or not... Any ideas?
I have been given the a task at work to change over all our Polycom Sound stations from originally only being able to dial internally to now being able to dial both internally and externally. I can for the life of me find where these settings would be. We have one working phone which has...
OK, So here it is in a nut shell.
One of the workstations I have here at work recently started giving trouble reading DVD's for games and even UBCD511 however CD's work fine.
Upon Google'ing the issue I ended up doing all the standard stuff
-Checking there were no upper or lower filters...
Hi Everyone.
I have been asked to check that the email address Mitel has been configured to send to when notifications arise is a valid address and not that of some one who has left the company. Does any one know where I could find these settings?
Please note I am no Mitel guru but I do...
Hope this makes sense and in turn is not me being stupid but I cont seem to find where to reset the voicemail password for a voicemail box attached to a hunt group. I can reset the vm password for user account through the OPS manager however the hunt group extensions dont seem to appear in...
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