For years my auto attendant says please press * and the extension number of the person that you want to reach. It would then transfer you to the person that you dialed. Now when you press * it says exiting the system and disconnects. What is the fix?
For years when my auto attendant answers it tells the callers to press * and an extension number to reach the person that you are calling. Now, as soon as you press * it says exiting the system and no call is transferred. What could the fix be?
My customer is a busy Dr office. The have a norstar MICS with Call Pilot. They may have 10 people on hold at one time. Patients are complaining or staying on hold with one call and calling again from a different phone, thus tying up another of Dr. lines. They want a to be able to see who has...
I have a call pilot on a norstar that I programmed many years ago, It's for a plumber. The ccr tree for after hours emergency is programmed to go to guest mailbox 300. The customer is prompted to leave a message. Once the caller hangs up the system calls a cell phone and the caller id is 300...
I have a MICS with a Call Pilot. The customer had an electric company planned power outage. When the power came up the station programming on the sets went back to default. I've had a return a few times to get everything back to normal the system supports 3 different business. I was there...
My mics customer has all of their lines coming in via pri. One circuit is used as a fax line via an analog extension out of an ata2. They have had this set up for years. Lately the fax transmission and receive has been spotty. The fax machine repair guy, based on the fax reports, says that it is...
I have a call pilot that was connected to the customers lan via The customer put in a new Cisco switch and is no longer using this range for their ip addresses. I want to just be able to plug my lap top into the cp and program. Will I be able to use a cross over cable and log into...
I have a mics with a call pilot. Over the past few weeks my customers phone has been hacked with long distance phone calls mostly to Europe and Africa. AT&T tells them that they cannot restrict the dialing (which is a lie). In their ccr tree dial 3 says if this is a life or death emergency and...
I have a Norstar MICS that supports two companies. Both companies have a front end ccr tree on the Call Pilot. For one company when the callers dial O I want the call to transfer to X200 (which it does)for the second company I want the calls to transfer the X311. I've done this before but I...
I have a multi tenet mics. They are getting a new pri from Verizon. Both tenets have their main number on the pri as a DID. They both need the ability to call forward their numbers to an answer service at lunch and at the end of the day. One tenet uses an auto attendant the other tenet has...
Can the MICS control what caller ID is sent on out bound calls? If so can I control it on a set by set basis. I just replaced a T-1 with a PRI the system is shared by two companies. There used to be a dial 8 for out bound calls for one company and a dial 9 for the other company. Now it's just...
I just converted a doctors office with a Norstar MICS and call pilot from a channelized T-1 to a PRI. With the t-1 the 10 lines that the came into the this office first went to an auto attendant with the CCR option to "schedule an appointment, dial 1". 1 is programmed as a transfer to X200. Four...
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