I have set this up in the past with success but currently no luck. I have all the packages needed and everything programmed but it will still not work. Trying to change the NCOS of a set from a 6 to a 1 between 07:00 and 19:00. Print out below.
DES 121515
TN 052 1 02 14
TYPE 3904
CDEN 8D...
So I admit I'm an IPO noob. I downloaded the latest Manager yesterday and on Avaya's website there was also a Sysmon Critical Patch. Anyone know if or how I need to install this?
Just thought I would share my experience last night on an Option 81 running 6.0 with Pentium IV Processors. I was installing a new Deplist so I split the Cores, this was a Hospital so not taking any chances.
1. Split the Cores so side 0 was active and side 1 inactive
2. Loaded new Deplist on...
Does anyone here know the command line for adding a static route to a Nortel ERS5530? The route is added and enabled but shows INACTIVE. How do you make it ACTIVE?
FYI, this bit us on a cut Friday night. We had all the SIP programming done to a Vocera System but you could still not make a call in either direction. Problem was under the System Tab and then under the Telephony Tab there is a Maximum SIP Sessions, by default this is set to "0". We just made...
Can someone tell me when you assign an RDX drive as a back up device what is the path for the backup? I assume it is the drive letter followed by something, just not sure. This would be on a 600R server 5.0
Just wanted to put this out there. I have been working on this for a few days. Customer finally got the firewall vendor on board after I sent them this solution. This was a Juniper firewall with an ALG Policy in place. My problem was my remote V2 cabinet and backup server would not work...
Has anyone made this change? Will the licensing for the CPPM work with a CPDC? I know the CPDC will not do VxWorks but this would be a simple change out of the card and reloading the Linux etc.
So, I'm an IPO noob so be gentle. I have a server edition 9.0 with a V2 cabinet at a remote site for analog faxes etc. 1 combo, 2 phone 8 and a VCM 32. Whenever I come off hook on the analog ports I get a fast busy. Cant call them either, fast busy. I can ping through the monitor back to the...
I'm not a TM person so bear with me please. I outed a couple of phones remotely for a customer put they still appear in TM. How do I remove them from TM only? They are already outed in the switch.
Has anyone successfully connected the CS1K via a Universal Trunk Card to a Cisco VG204XM using ground start? If so what settings in each device are you using? Should be simple enough but guess what, it doesn't work right.
FYI, those of you running System Manager 6.2 or earlier the Certificates expire after 2 years. I ran across this last week. There is a procedure you have to go through to renew the certificates. Otherwise you cant log into System Manager or your PBX.
So I have a Call Pilot 1005 R server running release 5.0. After I launch IE and get my login page, Ipout in my credentials, and the page just sits there and never loads. Or loads very, very slowly. Typically though it never loads at all. Rebooted the server Friday and no change. Ideas? I thought...
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