We have a multi site SV9500 system that we are getting the packet loss beep warnings on some extensions. It is only happening at one of our remote locations.
Is there a command in the SV9500 that can help find where the packet loss is coming from? Our IT department is reporting no problems...
I had a good run with the IP Office and have helped a lot of people. When our salesman retired they didn't replace him it was a sign that maybe they would be moving away from this product. After 17 years of service without being a disciplinary problem suddenly I was a problem. They wrote me...
This a new one on me. - WebSocket failed to establish (Poll)
I have verified all the passwords are there and correct. SSA says there is no link failure just port congestion. The system name shows up in the client. Everything looks right.
Dermis and feline can be divorced by...
I know in the days of old the chassis was locked to the version of the first call. Is that still the case at R11.1? The reason I ask is I have a customer at R8.1.91 with 5400 series sets. I know the 5400's get squirrely after about R10.1. I get to go find out tomorrow if it is a hardware...
I haven't seen this one yet. When I build leave actions for groups they randomly change to the leave actions of other groups.
Group 1 I send to a leave in user A's mailbox.
Group 2 I send to a leave in user B's mailbox
Group 3 I send to a leave in user C's mailbox.
I go back to Group 1 and...
If you have ever tried to use the 'Official' Avaya documentation to set up an App Server in Hyper-V it can be a challenge and is often wrong or misleading at best.
I had some down time and wrote up a few FAQs for installing App Server on Hyper-V. Best of all I found a working migration path...
I have an R11 SCN with eight systems. All but one gets it's virtual VM Pro license. I have changed the VM from centralized to embedded and back. Rebooted. The SCN line is up.
I am running out of ideas. Has anyone else seen this problem before?
Dermis and feline can be divorced by...
I recently upgraded a system from R9.1 to R11. They used VM Pro for their severe weather alert. The system was installed by one of my coworkers years ago. At some point between 9.1 and 11 Avaya decided to limit which short codes you could use as a forward number. Dial Paging was one of the...
Haven't used app server a lot. Does it serve NTP like the Windows version? I didn't see anywhere to turn it on if it does. Am I missing something?
Dermis and feline can be divorced by manifold methods.*
*(Disclaimer for all advise given)--'Version Dependent'
I am just going to throw this out here. It probably won't affect most of the people on this forum, but worth noting. R11.1 will not work with R11.0 Basic edition. I recently updated the version on my laptop to 11.1 to support our new installs. I went today to work on a Muppet Mode R11.0 and...
This an informational post.
Just did an upgrade from R8.1.67 to R11.0.4. Everything looked good. VMP client looked like it was connecting to the system, had the system name and IP but the VM didn't work. Showed Voicemail not running from the phones. Verified both passwords were the same...
I want to thank each and everyone of you on this site. We are in uncharted territories. I personally am working from home right now and the rest of the US is scrambling to do the same. I have spent most of this week setting up customers for various 'Work From Home' scenarios.
Some of them...
Just as a heads up. We did a new install at 11.0.4 FP1 and the JEM24 wouldn't come up. The ones shiping today require FW_JEM24_R1_0_1_0_12.bin which is not included in this version. 11.0.4 FP1 comes with FW_JEM24_R1_0_0_0_15.bin firmware which doesn't work. You can download the proper...
I would get a hold of your Avaya rep. They will give you all that stuff. I used to have it, but we have so few of them anymore that if it comes to that we try to get them to upgrade.
Dermis and feline can be divorced by manifold methods.*
*(Disclaimer for all advise given)--'Version Dependent'
Our sales team has scheduled a meeting with our Avaya rep to discuss the cloud solution. I am looking to get some opinions from people who have installed it or are currently using this solution. I am just trying to help our sales team in knowing what questions or concerns they should address...
I have setup plenty of Third Party SIP devices with very few glitches. This one is IPO R11.0.2 with a Konftel 300WX. Usually it is dog dumb. Build the ext with a password at the extension level. Create the user. (Also have all passwords set in the user trying to make it work) Plug it in...
Working on a new install with J179 and the bluetooth adapter. After all the 'Don't use R11.0.4' advice we are building it at R11.0.2. FP 2 has the wrong firmware to support bluetooth. What I did was to load 11.0.4 on my laptop. Copy the .bin files from...
I have a Magix that the AA won't send one particular extention to the VM box.
When you call in and put in ext 110 it will ring back to the line it came in on instead of going to the mailbox.
I verified the ext is in the coverage group. Deleted it from the group and readded it, deleated the...
We have so few of these out there any more I think I have forgotten more than I know. Just need help with setting up a situation that I can make all phones ring at the same time from a PRI.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Dermis and feline can be divorced by manifold methods.*
Hey All,
This was almost addressed in http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1765318
I find my self on that boat of making a dead horse float in new swimming pool. I have the User Rights already installed. Licenses validated. Just need a quick clue to what security settings need to be...
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