Hey all Good Tuesday. I looking to get some call recording for a customer with an option 11. Would Procomm Plus work. The are looking to not pay just something to capture a file daily. If so where do i connect usb adapter to pc. Thanks
Hello all. I have a option 81 and opt 11 in 2 seperate locations. There is a tie that runs between them. I just installed 2 new line for a payroll department. However i can not 4 digit dial between the sites. There are other lines that go through but not these 2 new ones. Anything in programing...
I have a 2616 that i have given access to be forward to a cell phone 347 xxx xxxx. If you call in in house 1844 you get to the cell however if you call from outside xxx xxx 1844 you are not connect to the cell. Iam missing something in the cls?
Trying to add XMWK to 2616
Key 5 xmwk XXXX and i keep getting error message invalid in put can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong or if i need to change something in the cls. Both voice mails are being handle by call pilot. Thanks Weekend All time to relax. lol
The Following error message is constantly being run by option 81. What can i do it is driving me crazy lol.
BUG820 + 00AECF06 003C2C05 003BD39D 003BBF8E 0051AA50
BUG820 + 00514977 00514321 005137D7 0093E0A7 0093A9E3
BUG820 + 00934FA4 0092EFCC 0196F41A 0196EDAC 0196ECFC
BUG820 +...
HI All Brand New to Avaya. I have an off site that has a 8300 and i simply want to add a extension 7186 as an appearence on 2411. They use a GEDI as an interface Thanks
I have a hot line 888-XXX-XXXX goes direct to a did within location (7788) if this line is not answered they need the phone to go to a menu with 2 option. option 1 press 1 to leave a voice mail option 2 press 2 to be routed to another 888-XXX-XXXX number.Can isimple build within voice mail? if...
Hello All Happy St Pats Day
I have a call pilot with a voicemail tree for a certain department. Call comes into the hot line through a did in the switch. It is suppose to go to the the tree option 1 leave message in anither mail box (dn 3333) or just wait and be redirect to an 888-XXX-XXXX...
Thanks in advance for your help iam new to the pbx nortel 81 but iam a fast learner. can anyone recommend a routine to do first thing in the am like look at trunks history ect... and what loads i should go in to to obtain this info and why. Thanks
can anyone tell me how to remove the bug. Book says set encounter a station that was not sl-1 set bdid not have key 0 as acd key however this did is not assiociated with acd. instrument being used is a 3904 thanks in advance. Rookie trying to learn
BUG680 : 56 0 5 5
BUG680 +...
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