Ok, here's my problem... using crystal reports 11 and trying to extract the earliest "start" date based on part of the "section" but only certain ones:
eg. section: start date:
abc-def-ghi-jk 12 jan 2011
abc-def-ghi-lm-no 15 oct 2010...
Having trouble figuring this one out! Here's what the table looks like:
field1 field2 field3 field4 field5
A 1 99 X X
A 10 99 X X
A 3 99 X X
B 1 99 X X
C 4 99 X X...
I'm using crystal reports XI and am trying to share a date formula (@expiry) in the subreport, with the main report. Being a new user, can someone please tell me what the formulas would be and where to place them in the reports? Thanks in advance.
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