I have upgrade ipecs 50b from version 4.0 to 6.0 lost serial number in web page.
Key : 0000000000000000
but in the external box i have the very serial number
could write the serial number to telnet?
thank you
it is possible to direct the call according to the prefix?
for example, an incoming call with the prefix 001 calls extension 100? a call comes in with prefix 0049 called internal 110?
thank you
I have a problem with the gdk16 with all cards installed (dsib, slib, lcob,vmib) do not function analog extensions.
If I remove the cards (lcob, DSIV, slib,vmib) analog extensions work.
power? capacitors? WHAT?
i have a problem with Nexer / ldk 24, the system not start.
rs232 error:
He100/He2xx Family Ethernet / USB boot v3.11
Network boot disabled: trying flash or UART
PP Boot (25 June 2002)
Copyright (c) 2002 GlobespanVirata, Inc...
Excuse me i set second ip address for test now i don't see the lik to one and second ip address?
for reset ip to rs232?
"When devices are located on a different private address on
the same net, enter the MFIM IP address for the second LAN."
thank you
I have a question:
can i upgrade all MPB of LDK 300 to verion 3.9 ?
MPB e MPBE upgrad to verion 3.6 xx and stop is truth?
MPBN upgrade to verion 3.9 xx is truth?
where can i find pdf for table of upgrade?
my MPB to telnet write MPB NEW issues 6
thank you
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