I have an end user who runs Symposium desktop software 4.2 revision 7 on Windows 7 (works fine on mine with windows 7) and they get the following error when printing reports: "Symposium - Call Center Ops - Report Manager has stopped working".
Does anybody know what the issue could be...
I have a few M3905 phones who were working fine until we moved them. They won't allow users to log in now. I take another phone from somewhere else and it works fine, so it's the phone not the TN.
I already reflashed the firmware, still having the same issue. Does anybody have any ideas...
How do you wall do your back ups of your server running Symposium?
I used to do a hot swap and replicate the data but that's causing issues now, so I just wanted to compare what everyone else was doing.
I guess my question is in two parts. I currently have SECC installed on a Windows Server 2003 and run a back up on the whole server once a week by hot swapping a hard drive. Last week I had an issue where the server crashed after this was done, I was able to restore it by using my last...
I know we have some unused DID's and I have them on a list, but if for example I didn't have this list, how would I look up unused DID's on the PBX?
Would it be a LD 20/PRT? And if so which command would I use?
I'm new to the telecom position so any help would be greatly appreciated...
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