I am looking for a way to copy a single dimension text array of less than a dozen elements to the clipboard so when pasting the data into an Excel spreadsheet the data is inserted into a column, not a row.
This copies the data into an array. However, when pasting the data into Excel it pastes...
I built a website on a GoDaddy server. It is running Linux.
mySQL is available on the server.
I developed a program in VB.Net (VisualStudio 2010 Pro)
Lets say you have a copy of my software. Your copy of my software is unique as before compiling it I added an alpha/numeric string to it...
VB6 will not install my programs on a Windows 7 machine.
I tried using the default deployment package that ships with VB6 and it fails.
I tried the Inno software deployment package and it generates the same error.
The entire day was spent trying to get past this. There has to be a way!
This should be easy. Key words are Should Be lol
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit OS
Using the Windows Task Scheduler I would like to have a task open a website and log me in.
The task opens the website just fine. However, I can't get it to log me in with my username and password.
Windows Task...
I spent the past two days trying everything possible to get MSCOMCTL.OCX to work in my code. It worked before. Not now.
Lets say I buy a car that runs fine. Then one day without warning it will not start. No warning. Nothing.
This is what Microsoft has done to us with this file needed for our...
After formatting this hard drive I lost the ability to bind Access databases to forms, fields, etc in VB6 sp6.
I am used to the ADO type of database manipulation inside VB6 and tried adding different VB6 ADO References and Components with no success. It has been years since I originally...
This seems to be the biggest kept secret on the Internet :-) After searching and testing I am able to open a web page in a new Firefox web browser tab. However, unable to open a web page in a Firefox tab that has the focus. I hope to keep the amount of Firefox tabs open to a minimum.
Thanks in...
My code searches for a tab from a text file. However, the tab appears as a square box when viewing the contents of the string in the Watch window. The tab consists of four characters. I tried to copy the square box from the Watch window but it just adds four spaces in the code:
stringLocation =...
I have two applications that use the WebBrowser1 component and both go to different websites and both are causing a script error. When I click the Yes button to continue the script everything works as expected. Any idea how to get this to stop generating the error?
An image of the error message...
I am developing an online store and am experienced in VB6, C#, C++, HTML, Access VBA and a little SQL.
My question is which language is the best choice to use for a database, connecting to the database and shopping cart. I am sure there are other things I either am not aware of to ask about as...
I am considering learning C Sharp for application development. Basic - VisualBasic has been my mainstay choice for a dozen years. Are there advantages to C Sharp over VB?
Thanks in advance!
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