looking for guidance on whether a Callegra v6.15 will work with a Nortel CS100 v4.5 as a voicemail system option. Looking to centralize the voicemail systems we have in operation to minimize operational expenses. This system will be at a central location where as the Nortel is at a remote site.
I have read from closed threads that one can remote into callpilot using the clan and PCAnywhere. is there an alternative to PCAnywhere? Can I use an ION Modem?
thread798-1128001: Remote Changes To CallPilot
I have read from closed threads that one can remote into callpilot using the clan and PCAnywhere. is there an alternative to PCAnywhere? Can I use an ION Modem?
I have received an error code that I cannot find in the system messages. The error code I got was RLC064 64 01 64. Never seen this one before. Anyone have a clue as to what it is?
I have a callpilot ver and was asked to run a netstat on our callpilot server to capture what ports are open. found out it uses a number of ports that are not well known. anyone have an idea what these ports are and why are they used?
tcp callpilot : http
tcp callpilot : 1034
I have a couple of 75GB SLR tapes for back for my Call pilot. One of them has started to eject right after insertion. Could this be malfunctioning tape? Is there anything I can do to salvage this tape?
I have been getting Fiji007 errors during mids under LD 30 but only when CPU 0 is the active core. No issue with CPU 1. I've done a 360 test and stat ring in LD 39 but no issues. Any ideas?
TIM7243 01:00 21/6/2017 CPU 0
NWS LD30 BEGIN 01:00 21/6/2017...
Every evening at mids I get this error.
BSD206 4:12
BSD206 8:12
BSD206 12:12
BSD206 20:12
BSD206 24:12
BSD206 25:12
BSD206 26:12
BSD206 28:12
I've read the NTP:
"Loop unable to receive speech from l1, l2, etc. Minor alarm lamp lit
on attendant console. Probable fault cause: 1. Network card for...
What is the process to add new user login accounts and change passwords on a CS1000 r 4.5? I know a level 2 password is need to change passwords. How does one obtain a level 2 password? Can I create additional user accounts? thanks.
I have a question on a BSD024 error that I receive during midnight routines. I get a BSD024 13. I looked up the error and is says
BSD024 loop
During execution of a TEST command, cannot query the continuity test result of the NT8D04 Network Card.
Loop 13? I have a fiber remote OPT 11 on...
I have an Opt 81C rls 4.5 and I need to point 911 to a regional dispatch center number which is a 10 digit number. I have tried creating a RLi and a DMI to strip the 3 digits and insert a 10 digit number. however, when I try to call 911 using the new RLI/DMI I get a fast busy. I have changed...
Have had an issue where certain customers complain of them hearing the caller but the caller not hearing them. It seems to be only isolated to a specific super loop. And that same supper loop also has a BSD202 error at mids.
I have noticed after stating a certain loop ( loop 36) I see CTYF: 36. The loop is enabled and seems to be working properly. what does CTFY mean? Thanks.
I received a RLC001 today with no other error messages. I have not seen a RLC before. Tried looking it up but there is no RLC001 in the book. Has anyone seen this message before? Here is what it actually printer out on my terminal:
RLC001 01 64 01
I have a Nortel CS1000. Wondering why I continue to get fiji068 alarms at midnight even though there are no alarms present when I stat alarms in LD 39.
I have three PRI cards in a CS1000 for commercial phone access. One of the three T1s was cancelled to save on monthly costs. I have disabled the d-channels from ld 96 and disabled the loop in ld 60. I cant out the route as all the PRIs are on that one route. Is there a way to just remove the...
I have an issue with noise on the line like static when every I call into the call pilot system. This happens when call inside or outside the Nortel system. I have rebooted the call pilot system, the switch that ties my call pilot into the cs1000 and also the MGATE card. I have no replaced...
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