Our department has our own subnet / vlan space and we are looking at adding a VPN on one of our public IP's to allow remote connection. Once connected, it would be necessary to log into the Windows domain, using domain credentials, to gain access to the domain based network shares.
I have...
I am faced with a situation that I am drawing a blank on. I have a few days (today is Fri, and have until Mon) to come up with some ideas if I can.
We have an employee who has taken on responsibilities above and beyond his work description and he has done an excellent job of it. For reasons...
Last Friday, I received an email forwarded to me with the data below. I am not sure about the details of the detection system in play here, but it looks like some form of packet sniffing that picked up some malware signature of an Windows executable. My PC is behind a proxy server, and the...
Here is a link to a slashdot article, which in turn references a Forbes article.
Often times when one thinks they may have been infected with malware, the advice is to run a scan, either from a reputable web based tool or download a reputable tool. It looks like Symantec may have gotten greedy...
I came across an interesting discussion on Reddit today, discussing double and triple contractions in the English language. The discussion referenced this wikipedia page. I can only recall encountering single contractions, e.g. don't, won't, etc. Are these multiple contractions legitimate...
I read a short article yesterday morning that I thought was very relevant to this forum. The article stated that many of us, at least in America, were taught in school that the punctuation mark belongs inside of the quotes in a quotation. For example, "This is a quote ending a sentence." The...
I have an Apache permissions puzzle and I am hoping someone will have some ideas. The scenario is this:
On a small Linux, Apache, PHP based e-commerce web site, there is the e-commerce site, which has a directory for images that holds thumbnails and full size pictures of the products for sale...
Saw this while having my morning coffee: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9217953/Rootkit_infection_requires_Windows_reinstall_says_Microsoft
Looks pretty serious. Originally saw it on Slashdot: http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/06/27/2355205/Rootkit-Infection-Requires-Windows-Reinstall...
I have been investigating some suspicious activity on one of our servers. The investigation led me to look at the machine with the next higher IP address which is running Server 2003. While looking at the event logs, I noticed a bunch of activity, including kerberos network logins, user...
At work, I recently set up a server that I am using to develop a new department website. This particular machine is Linux based and as part of the process, I installed Snort to monitor the traffic. This machine is dual homed with a NIC assigned a public IP and one with a private IP. I am...
I have what is turning into a real stumper of a problem for me and I am hoping someone else will see what I am missing.
I have a cable modem connection with a block of static IP addresses. I have two PCs, each with two NIC cards. On each PC, I have connected one of the NICs to the modem and...
As I mentioned in another thread, I recently a poweredge 1850 that is about 4-5 years old. I made an attempt to copy the (linux) system from the current server, which is running on a small desktop PC to this machine and ran into problems. Therefore, I have decided that I will build the system...
I recently acquired a used poweredge 1850. All seems to be working on the system, but the unit does not appear to be equipped with a RAID controller. It is about 4-5 years old and has one 10K ultra320 drive in it. I am thinking about getting a couple of new 15K drives and would like to put in...
I am planning on upgrading my internet service to accomodate a small business website and I have a choice regarding the type of service. My choice is between to upgrade my existing residential cable modem to a business class that will get me a (potential) 40% download speed increase and a 300%...
A friend of mine owns a domain name that was registered through godaddy. While he owns the domain, he hasn't maintained a service on it recently. Out of curiosity to see if he ever created his site, I went to the domain and recieved a page written in Cyrillic, which obviously was not his. I...
Yes, I leave the PC running my email server all the time. It is just a small PC with only a network connection, no monitor, keyboard, or mouse. I really don't know how much power it draws. I think on average it may cost be up to $20 a month for the electricity. One option to save...
I have a question regarding a script in my crontab file. In my crontab, I have the following entries:
10 2 * * * root find /var/lib/amavis/virusmails/ -mtime +31 -exec rm {} \;
15 2 * * * root find /var/lib/amavis/tmp/ -mtime +31 -exec rm -r {} \;
These entries are designed to delete any...
I wanted to post a follow up on the subject of SNI (Server Name Indication), the feature that allows multiple secured virtual hosts, working on Apache2. After a long quest, it appears that I have finally gotten this feature to work. See: thread65-1558044
For the curious, here is some...
I have noticed that there are a number of file hosting services available for network storage, many of which offer 2-5Gb of space for free. The idea is appealing to me as a means of providing a secure means of storage for some critical files, such as the ones used to configure my server's...
A co-worker gave me an older HP Pavilion PC that supposedly had crashed its HDD, but was otherwise functional. I put a drive in it, that to the best of my knowledge, is older but fully functional. The PC (and drive) are IDE, set for cable select master / slave. The BIOS setup screen appears...
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