My requirement is to submit the job in REXX one by one sequentially . I want to submit the job only the successful completion of my previous job. My environment have IOF and job goes to SAR after completion. What is the efficient and standard way of doing it?
I am migrating data from algol to c.I mapped real datatype in algol to double datatype in c.real has 6 bytes storage.i got one formula in unisys manual which is about the internal representation of real the formula is
mantissa * 8**(exp)
In my c program i used this formula to...
While i am loading the table i am getting errors like
00E40318,00E40322,00E40018.THis jcl was working fine previously but i am getting different types of error..can anyone help me..
I Want to know about the internal representation of comp-2and the computation of mantissa and exponent..i need exact formula for compute value...i.e value
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