hey guys,
just wondering what settings i could look at or possibly change to make a 4621sw sould better when using speaker phone. the people in the outside world say it sounds like im in a tunnel......the sound on the 4621 sounds great.
any help would be great.
set up.....
406v2 5.0.15...
hey guys,
just wondering what i should look at for this problem....
2 sites...
both 406v2 4.2.14
1 site with voicemail pro (remote site is set up for centralized voicemail)
i can ping from ip office to ip office just fine....the problem is that i can make 1 call and be fine, but if i hang up...
hey guys,
just wondering if there is a way to show the caller id info in the subject line of the email when i get voicemail to email notification?
or better yet....can this be done?
hey guys,
i have 1 ip phone at the house that has been working great for 3 years....no problems at all.
we have the 403 3.2.67
checkpoint routers at both locations as we have a point to point vpn set up and running. i can ping the ip office, the router, any computer, and so on..... i have a...
hi guys,
just wondering if anyone has had a 4621sw phone lock up on them? i have one that will not give me the option to press the star key to set up the ip addresses.
it just keeps booting up....going through dhcp....then say...no file svr....no call svr....ect
i cant do the "mute clear" or...
hey guys,
412 5.0.15
vm pro
all 54xx phones.....
just wondering if you can program a "call coverage" button on ANY button?
as of right now, i have 1 extension that has 3 apperance button.....then a page button......the a DND button....can i put a "call coverage" button after the DND button...
just wondering if you can use windows 7 pro to administer the ip office?
im trying to upgrade a 406v2 from 3.2.55 to 5.0.15. its saying the password is not right?????
i thought the password is/was.....password
hey guys,
i have a unit that looks like a christmas tree and not responding to anything. if i hook up the unit to the DTE port i get this in hyperterminal....
Programming FPGA ...
FPGA Version 0xFC
CPLD Revs: 0xC1 0xD4
CardID: 0x3A Modules: 0xEF
Broadcom Switch Mode was 0xF5 now 0xF6...
hey guys,
just wandering if the can be done...
i have 4 lines on all phones. some phones i want to be able to dial out ONLY on line 4 (extn 234). however....when calls come in on lines 1 2 3 i still need to be able to transfer or answer them.
how would i set this up?
hey guys,
i have a couple of 1616 phones. they are working, but when i make a call the first 10-15 seconds has a bad echo but then goes away.
is there any settings i could look at changing?
406v2 5.0.15
VMPro 5.0.23
just wondering if someone can look at this and tell me why im not getting voicemail to email.
voicemail pc has outlook 2003 with valid email address. i can send and receive messages.
under control panel i can check and vaildate the email server.
i have email...
hey guys....
just wondering if this is right....
i just upgraded my 406v2 to R5.0.15. i have just installed a 1616 for the first time. when the phone starts to log in it tells me that there is no file server??? i have put the address of the file server in when i do a "mute reset". it comes...
can someone post the gmail settings that they use when you set up the ip office settings in control panel.
im not sure what to put here. i have a active gmail account, but i cant send voicemail via email.
hey guys,
just wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to log ALL incoming calls. this would not be a per user type application. the customer just wants to be able to get a number that called from any date. maybe be able to log atleast 3 weeks of calls???
any help or suggestions would...
sorry for the stupid question...
how does the ip office get its time??? have a customer that is an hour behind on the phones.....
the voicemail PC is right, but on the IP Office they are an hour behind.
where do i change that setting?
hey guys,
never done this....
have 2 sites both 406v2 4.2.
main site has VMpro. can i set up a auto attendant for the remote site. if someone calls in to the remote site and the call is not answered, can it go to a auto attendant at the main site? if so, would it be just like setting one...
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