New to the mitel world, we have a user who would like to have one of the hunt group voicemail boxes(might be a ring group) light their phone when there is a voicemail. Doesn't seem like a great way to me but what do I know. Anyone know if this can be accomplished?
We have a manager who monitors a ring group and was wondering if there was a way to view the ring group calls within the micollab desktop client. Similar to Avayas phone manger software on the client machines.
We are having some issues with calls not being transferred on our SIP trunk to our business. The tech gave us this:
We hear less than a 10th of a second of ringback, then 5-10 seconds of silence, then it immediately starts playing audio from the companies IVR menus, without ever hearing a full...
About once a week we need to restart the voicemail pro service because it is not working. The service never actually stops. I do not see anything in the event viewer. There may be a correlation between VM channel or VCM licenses getting full possibly? Any thoughts?
Phone manager and our logs on our 5610s are not showing a 1 for when incoming calls coming in that are long distance, so you have to redial the whole number instead of just using the call function from the phone or phone manager. Is this a setting somewhere on our SIP Trunk or do I need...
We recently have had an increase in call volume and noticing a lot of calls that are dropping and calls with no audio but show connected. I checked licensing issues and line usage and no issues with that. We have a PRI configured that is connected to an adtran that translates to SIP...
Every once and awhile we get congestion on our VM channels. What happens to calls if using VM Pro for your front end if you run out of licenses?
We have a helpdesk that has its own hunt group. To make it more efficient we would like specific users to be directly sent to specific people in the hunt group.
Caller A calls 599 and gets Helpdesk A
Caller B calls 599 gets Helpdesk B
Any way of accomplishing this?
Hello, A while back I posted something about needing a way to transfer caller ID from Voicemail Pro. We have a call come in and then it is forwarded back out to a 3rd party answering service. The third party is seeing our caller ID and it is making it more work for the customer to complete...
We have two IPOs at two locations. In phone manager when logged in at the remote site and try to view a queue at the other site it shows as a selection but nothing ever populates in there. Is it a networking issue? The two systems are on separate vlans.
We have a hunt group that seems to fill up from time to time. If we have many of the people in the group on DND and only have a couple answering the calls it seems we get a lot of dropped calls. When a customer calls in and selects 1 for this hunt group and there is no one available to answer...
We have a 3rd party service that we transfer a majority of our incoming calls too from our VM pro prompt. If they want to make a payment they are transferred to an external number. Is there a way to transfer this call with the original caller ID of the party who is calling in?
Hello all-
I have been given the task to come up with a live chat solution for our customer service people. Any recommendations? I just started looking at IPCC but so far the reviews are terrible. Any other solutions? While the integration into the phone system would be ideal I think it...
Hello, I have an asterisk IVR that I use for sending outbound calls through the IPO. I had this setup at another company with the same settings with the exception of this IPO is version 8. When I do a trace I get SIPtrunk endpoint present call, no match, (716464554444) from URI in to hearder...
We had a couple phones on our IPO system that are now requiring the person to login after they reboot. Most of our phones do NOT do this. How do I shut this off? Is it because someone entered in a password to that user making them have to login? If I remove the password will they login...
Too many people have been dialing 911 lately. Does anyone use something else to dial out like 8 or 7? I tried to find what the reasoning for 9 being picked and didnt find anything?
I have a link that an end user click on: I have ran through a number of different website reputation checkers and ran 3 separate AV checks. Just paranoid I guess but rather safe than sorry. Any ideas?
We were just billed about 2500 dollars for a SIP configuration. The tech got one way audio working but couldn't figure out the rest so left us with that and then they billed us as work completed. The tech was pretty much just being a google ninja and looking for solutions. At $175 an hour I...
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