I will be creating my first static web site using SharePoint. Someone advised I would need SharePoint Designer 2007 to do this. Can I also create a static web page on the SharePoint server using any IDE such as DreamWeaver? If I can do it with DreamWeaver I assume all I need is to map to the...
I have a textarea that has a Bold, Italic and Underline buttons that change the appearance of what is in the textarea.
If I highlight a word in the text and hit the Bold, Italic and Underline buttons it changes the appearance of the word.
Everything works great and now I want to add a color...
I have a form with firstname in one field and lastname is another field.
I need to manipulate the entry so if someone enters Joe for the firstname and Smith for the second name it will be changed to Smith,Joe.
Here is my attempt but it just switched the fields and didnt manipulate how I wanted...
I am using ColdFusion server side language to work with Access 2003 on a Windows 2003 server. I assume the server always has to have MS Office or MS Access software loaded on it for me to use an MS Access file (database) on the server?
I am using ColdFusion server side language to work with Access 2003 on a Windows 2003 server. I assume the server always has to have MS Office or MS Access software loaded on it for me to use an Access file (database) on the server?
I have a form value that I need to add a regular expression to the end so I can pick up any characters after the form value. Example if someone enters Jones then I want to make sure the value could also search Jones Jr or Jones Sr or Jones abc etc. Basically add a space and any characters a-z to...
I would like to automatically submit a form value everytime a page is viewed and then automatically redirect.
The below doesnt submit anything and I am not sure how to redirect. Please advise.
function fnSubmit() {
I understand CLOB is used for storing Character Large Object.
Is BLOB (Binary Large Object) used for storing Images such as JPEG, TIFF etc? Can I store word documents, pdf, and powerpoints as a BLOB?
I have a getElementById working inside a div tag in a JavaScript that works great in IE but it wont work with Firefox.
Anything special I need to do with div and/or getElementById in Firefox?
I have 20 powerpoint files sitting in a web server directory. Each one has one powerpoint slide only. I need to create one file that shows all 20 of the powerpoint files in just one pdf or ppt file.
I am not sure how to loop through the 20 powerpoint files and append all of them into the one...
I have 20 powerpoint files sitting in a web server directory. Each one has one powerpoint slide only. I need to create one file that shows all 20 of the powerpoint files in just one pdf file.
I am not sure how to loop through the 20 powerpoint files and append all of them into the one file...
In MySQL 4.1 I attempted to insert blob data for a blob datatype and it gave me back the following message:
Data truncated for column projects at row 1
Please advise how I can correct that?
I cant seem to create a cron job in my Solaris 10 server.
I tried crontab -e and it reponds with a 0 where I can add anything to it:
crontab -e
Please advise why I cant create a cron job in my cron file?
I am currently using Oracle 9i OEM client for my Oracle 9i database.
Now I will be using Oracle 10g. I have a choice between 2 cds. One is Oracle Client and the other is OEM grid control. What is the difference because the 2 cds?
I have tried sendmail and mailx commands with no success on our Solaris 10 web server. Please advise a reason why sendmail and mailx might not be working on our server?
I assume there is some setting or permissions the system admin needs to fix?
I have PHP 5 on Solaris 10 web server using Apache.
None of my email attempts work:
<?php$to = "someone@example.com";
$subject = "Test mail";
$message = "Hello! This is a simple email message.";
$from = "someonelse@example.com";
$headers = "From: $from";
I have free version of MySQL 4.1.4 that is working great with many Web applications using ColdFusion.
Now we will be using free version of MySQL 5.0.45.
All the MySQL 4.1.4 will be migrated to 5.0.45.
Please advise any issues I will have when we migrate to the newer version of MySQL?
What does .Net for it to work on Windows web server?
Here are some examples of what I know about other server sides and what I dont know about ASP.Net:
App Server Web Container Server side
Apache Tomcat JSP/Servlets
I can create ASP on my Windows 2000 web server using IIS.
What is the actual web container software that ASP is using to work?
Here are some examples of what I know about other server sides and what I dont know about ASP on IIS:
App Server Web Container Server side
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