I'm trying to export each unique list in a table and have them export separately with the correct qty of records displayed in the filename.
I have a field called list_no to scan into a temp table for the count qty... It's not exporting properly though. One file looks okay and the other...
I have a permanent template with zero records. Every time I get a new file from my client I push the csv file to sql and my end game is to import that file into my permanent template then export back to csv format in the same field layout all the time.
In Foxpro I just type 'Append From...
This is simplistic and wrong but I'm trying to move the files instead of copying them if possible. I'm doing it all by hand right now.
@ 11,5 say 'Enter Job Number for Return NCOA file: ' get CLIST_NO
lcprefix =...
I can delete the contents of the zip field if with a !isdigt() command but I need a little more now.
I need to keep canadian records which have an alpha numeric zip so I can't make my zip field numeric.
I need a command that allows me to delete the contents if there is a character in the field...
I have Acrobat 2020 full version because I create a lot of forms and edit PDF all the time.
Someone wrote a program for me that looks at my spreadsheet then updates the info back to a master PDF then creates an interactive PDF file for each record.
When I open the PDF files locally only a...
I want the job number which is a variable to update in the .bat file but I've not been able to do it.
I tried to strtofile() but it takes it literally and puts alltrim(listno) instead of the job number. Can I run some type of 'update' command for a text file? I can't find what I'm looking for...
I don't see anything but has anyone been able to crack this?
My client has a fillable PDF form. I wanted to duplicate his setup and export all the fields through a program to a pdf file but he doesn't like that at all. The PDF becomes read only and they can no longer edit the PDF if they...
I really just want my program to stop, send me a message, create a file of the duplicate records for my client and then close out of the program if the word Dupes is in my status field. Otherwise I want it to finish the process. It's been years since I programmed so I am pretty rusty...
I created several different templates for my data files when I import from csv to my dbf and the program should know which template to use for importing by my naming conventions. For instance, one csv file has Name, address, address2, city, state, zip (Car dealer PC list stru1.csv). The second...
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