can anyone tell me how to add a web reference to a ColdFusion web service in visual studio? I can do it using wsdl.exe but I want to add a web reference automatically.
When I specify the web service url and press go. ColdFusion asks me for cfadmin password. After that it only shows the...
Hi All,
i am retreaving user name from windows service by using the following two methods
string usr = Environment.UserName;
string usr = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.UserName;
the string "SYSTEM" is returned from both methods, but i want to get the name of the user who is currently...
Hi All,
following Exception is coming in some machine not all.
"Process performance counter is disabled, so the requested operation cannot be performed"
on calling the following funtion:
can anyone know the root cause?? and what are their...
How we can sort the DataGrid, if we bind it with IList (List of Object).
Sorting can easily be done, if we bind it with DataTable but i want to know, how to sort with IList
Best Regards
I programmed a cfm page to allow users to download some text files. The code in this cfm page is
<cfif IsDefined('Url.Rep') >
<cfset fileName = "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Reports\#Url.Rep#" >
<cfheader name="Content-disposition"...
Dear all,
we use these shortcuts to view following things
View.ObjectBrowser CTRL-ALT-J
View.ClassView CTRL-SHIFT-C
View.Toolbox CTRL-ALT-X
View.SolutionExplorer CTRL-ALT-L
i just want to know what whould be the key to hide them
Thanks & Regards
I have a web service that is consumed from the client side i.e. using Java Script XmlHttpRequest object . It works fine on the local machine but doesn't work on remote machines. On remote machines, I'm getting 500 "Internal Server error". I suspect that I need to configure IIS to allow...
I have a web service that is consumed from the client side i.e. using Java Script XmlHttpRequest object . It works fine on the local machine but doesn't work on remote machines. On remote machines, I'm getting 500 "Internal Server error". I suspect that I need to configure IIS to allow...
Dear All..
Can anyone tell me from where we can see the all shortcuts of Using Visual Studio .Net IDE.
Best Regards
Dear All,
Infact i am working on simple database application using Ibatis, i just want to run dynamic generated query through Ibatis and get the returned value.
My Actual problem is, i want to develope a genric function that check the record in database which takes table name, column name and...
I've developed a Dot Net Windows User Control. I'm hosting this control in Internet Explorer. When ever you host a .net Control (or an assembly) you need to give it permissions so that it can run smoothly.
Uptil now I've been using Dot Net Framework Wizard (Control Panel -> Admin Tools ->...
I have several DIV layers on my page and on each of these DIV layers is atleast one table. The problem is that, when I hide all Div's and make anyone of then visible, I can still see the borders on the table on the rest of the div's. Any idea on how to take care of this problem
I have a web user control containing several DIV layers. on each layer there is at least one data grid control. The problem is, when the controls loads the borders of data grid on hidden layers show up on the visible layer. Any idea how to take care of this.
I am sending XML message to a URL which is not a web service using HTTPS-POST.The URL is of servlet on remote server. The code i m using is
string strRequestUrl="<Request><Source>";
strRequestUrl+="<RequestorID Client=\"123456\" EMailAddress=\"clientName@client.co.uk\"...
Hi All
i have developed a Client/Server Chatting appliation.
in which i developed a Chatserver which is run as window service at centrize location and client app which is a window form that just connect to the chat server and start chatting.
when the client connect to the server, server...
I'm using Microsoft IE Web Controls version 1, and getting this error
The base class includes the field 'strp', but its type (Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TabStrip) is not compatible with the type of control (Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.TabStrip).
If anyone had solved this problem then...
Hi Guys
I am developing client/Server Socket Application using TcpClient and TcpListner.
i just wants to know, if the connection breaks accedently then how can i get know at TcpClient site that the connection has been broken.
plz give me the idea with code.
Thank You
Best Regards
I'm working on a text box control on windows form. The text box helps the user in inputing hotel names. As the user inputs each letter of the hotel name,the text box provides the remaining name that matches the user provided input. For example, if the user input "HIL", the text box displays...
Hi guys,
I need to know about Software Development Contracts. The provisions that should be included or considered in certain situations and stuff like that. I just want to be safe when developing software for a client. I'll consider fine details that I might have missed. So, anybody with...
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