Hopefully this is an easy question. I am in excel and have the manufacture year and week number for a product. I would like to convert this to a Friday date for the week of manufacture since we only ship on Fridays. Does anyone have a simple solution?
I have an Excel workbook that has several command buttons tied to macros on a main worksheet. I would like to prompt the user to enter a password when they click on a command button to allow the macro to run. Not every command button in the workbook requires this level of protection. Does...
I have a simple macro that opens an WorkbookA, copies worksheetA, pastes the data into worksheetB in workbookB, then closes the workbookA. On closing of workbookA, I want to automatically clear the clipboard and not be prompted as to whether I want to keep the data on the clipboard. How do I...
I have an Access report that when it is exported to Excel, some of the data is being changed. The problem is a text field with a part number. All of the part numbers are formatted with 9999999-9. The part numbers starting as 2034XXX-X are changing to a 6 digit number (as an example 2034080-1...
I have a link from Access to an excel spreadsheet. Several columns have text data with a periodic cell that the data is a number. When I look at the table from access, I see #NUM! in the cells that have numbers instead of text. I have tried reformatting the data in Excel to be generically...
I have an excel spreadsheet that is linked to an Access Database. Right now I have the operator open the spreadsheet, run a macro to manipulate a text file then open the database from a desk top short cut. I would like to give them a button in Excel that takes them to the database directly so...
I would like to build a macro that prompts a user to locate a text file then import it into a work sheet in Excel. I wasn't able to fine any information on how to do this by browsing with Windows Explorer
I receive a series of files with differing numbers of rows. The field names information are always the last row in the file and I would like to move it to the 1st row using a cut/paste insert command. Because the number of rows differs from file to file, I am using a do until loop to find the...
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