Im facing a problem while Im trying to start a new installation BO (using solaris 10)
Business Objects
Current CMS Data Source: DP7A
err: Error: Failed to get cluster name.
err: Error description: Unable to connect...
Hi all,
I am a newbie in BO, and I was trying to perform my second installation of it... everything was going ok when I tried to start it....
Sleeping 90 seconds before enabling the ports...
Creating session manager...
Logging onto CMS...
err: Error: Couldn't logon to CMS
err: Error...
Hi all,
As I try to make a querry on the database to create a preview report I got the following error:
ORA 121-54 TNS could not resolve the connect identifier specified.
The tnsnames.ora appear to be all right and only one tnsnames.ora exists.
The thing that I figure that might be the...
Does anyone know the solution for this problem?
Creating session manager...
Logging onto CMS...
err: Error: Couldn't logon to CMS
err: Error description: The system server01 can be contacted, but there is no Central Management Server running at port 6400.
After a lot of searching at many...
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Starting BusinessObjects servers (only needed servers for WebI reports)...
Starting cms...
Starting input...
Starting output...
Starting webijobserver...
Starting webi...
Starting destjobserver...
Sleeping 90 seconds before enabling the...
Hi all,
Im very new with businessobjects and I was performing my first importing using the import wizard but the following error come up:
Committing the export object to the destination CMS failed. Reason: Unable to add SI_PATH property.
And logged on the CMS everywhere I click (folders ...
Im very new with the BusinessObjects and I just finish the installation of it and logged at the CMC, wherever I click (folders, objects, groups..) I get this error...
Retrieve Error
There was an error while retrieving data from the server: Unable to get the admin object for the APSAdmin...
This a direct and newbie question...I want to know if there is any command in solaris that you can list the directories of a specific (like /) filesystem by their sizes....
Joao Telles
Im a new user of SOLARIS and im facing a question..
Can I mount the same mount point to two diferents file systems..
Ex. /usr mounted on /hd01 and /hd02
2- I have a /hd1 with /usr1 mounted (10Gb)
and /hd2 with /usr2 mounted (5Gb) , I want to swap the /usr1 (mount it on /hd1) and /usr2...
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