What is correct:
1. There is a lot of musicians...
2.There are a lot of musicians....
I would appreciate the explanation. I am not a native english speaker.
Hello, friends
my wife is studying English for her third university lifetime and she came across a problem. Her teacher says that there are only two cases , firstly "to look out of the window" when somebody looks from inside towards outside and secondly, "through the window", when somebody...
I have i-textboxes on a worksheet. By some procedure I calculate a pointer p, 0< p <=i. Now I would like to change the text of the TextBox(p). How could I adress it?
I have created OLEObjects by "OLEObjects.Add ClassType..".
I count them by "OLEObjecs.Count". Then I loop through all the objects on a worksheet and want to delete those with the name "Label", but only those Labels(j) are deleted, where j is an odd number. Error 1004 is then reported...
I wonder, why I cannot add an OLE object:I am using the example from the Excel 2007 Vba Help:
Worksheets _("List1").OLEObjects.Add "Forms.CommandButton.1", Left:=10, top:=10, Height:=20, Width:=100
and works fine.
It works fine with "Forms.CommandButton.1" and "Forms.CheckBox.1" and...
I have a multiline listbox with the 1-fmListStyleOption (check boxes in the first column). The second column is linked with a ListFillRange to some range of values on a worksheet. Now what I am trying to do is: when I choose a check box, I would like to enter a short text to the third...
I would like to use a WIN32 ReadFile(...) to read a large BMP file in VBa. For test purposes I am using a small text file, containing only 22 characters from A...Z.
In VBa I successfuly use a call CreateFile(..) and get a handle to my test file, I use a WIN call GetFileSize() to receive the...
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