Hey folks,
I've experienced this issue twice in two years, same unit.
The browser interface is used to get into Operations and initiate a backup (using IE9 on Windows7, 64)
The CallPilotBRU.exe is used to start a Backup, the CP IP is set, the destination folder is chosen.
When a backup...
Norstar MICS 7.0 with 2 X MOX16's and 3 X MOX8A's, CallPilot150, in service since '06.
I'm down to the last 7 of my digital lines, and want to pick up a MOX16 to get me by for another 2 years.
I have an available slot on my fiber expansion cartridge.(NTBB06GA)
One of those MOX8A's is not in...
I found my password is not accepted when logging into the CallPilot administrator.. using IE or FireFox I do get the Administration login page, but my (carefully) recorded password isn't accepted.
I don't want to reset the CP and do a restore..yes it's an out of date backup, not horribly so, but...
Low impact question wrt to LCD troubles.
I've got 3 sets that have LCD fails.. the behavior is odd,
1 is like contrast is set to the lowest setting when showing fixed time and date..or when displaying DND etc, but if i do a F*0, then the LCD fills in with electro babble at full contrast...
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