Customer is going to migrate from Avaya 630 server to a Virtual server. I am trying to see what is best practice to do this. How has anyone done this?
I was thinking of spinning up the New Virtual server with the current release on the 630. Which is 11.1.3. 2
Do a full backup from 7071 on the...
IP Office Server edition 12.000.56. This issue was occurring before being upgraded to 12.0.
When user has phone twinned and call is answered on the J159, the J159 continues to ring. They have conversation but, ringing continues after caller hangs up. Unplugging phone fixes it.
If phone is not...
Attempted to upgrade a Dell 630 from to 12.0. Getting following error.
12.0 Upgrade of IP Office server failed. Sever did not upgrade after 3 attempts. Getting Error: An error occurred during reading of kickstart fileDisk "mapper/rootvg-rootvol" given in ignordisk command does not...
IPO SE Bld 23
I have an odd issue and was wondering if anyone has seen this. I haven't worked a whole lot with IX Workplace but know basics about it.
Customer has 100 or so IX workplace users with Power user licensing. They work from home part time and use a VPN to connect back to IPO...
IPO 11.1.3 and CM 6
The customer is in the process of migrating over to IP Office from CM system. There are multiple sites. Not all going to be cut over at same time. They can dial between systems by using 0 as an access code and then extension on both systems
They want ability to dial from CM...
Recently install an IP500V2a with a UC module on 11.1.3. I verified that I was able to access Manager, VM Pro, both web pages 7070 and 7071 and also access the UC mod with Putty and WinSCP with Administrator password.
I then shipped the system out to customer completed the install and everything...
I acquired an Dell R430 server and am attempting to set this up as an Application server in my lab. I know it isn't officially supported in the Avaya DOCs but it does meet all the requirements. I have able to load on it. But I can not get any 11.1 to load the upgrade/Install fails. I am...
I have 2 SE systems both 11.1 2 but SP 3 and SP4 that I got alarm that the Identity cert was going to expire in x days. So I attempted to use Manager, Web Manager ports 7070 and 7071 to Regenerate them. Neither system regenerated the. The old cert still shows. I also tried rebooted both. Has...
Just upgraded IPO SE with 2 expansion Units. Everything upgrade fine except a Digital station B 30 port expansion module.
Looks like it upgraded but then just keep rebooting. I tried 2 other Digital station B modules SN 70051586 and had same results. Anyone seen this issue? I saw an old PSN #...
I have been replacing Windows VM servers with application servers as we upgrade to 11.1 SP X (2 or 3)
Have been running into a strange issue with most of these.
We program the 31 digit VM password in web interface for VM pro as well as the VM password in security setting in IPO.
Sometimes it...
Was wondering if anyone else is running into this issue.
Brand new R240 server out of the box ignited and on 11.1.0. GA version. I then upgraded it to 11.1.2.SP3 with ISO.
The issue I have seen the last 2 was with WebManager. I can login and get error message IP Office not available. I found...
Hello. I am trying to set up a New DECT IP V4 Compact Base station with 3730 phones. I can't get the base IP address to show up in System status thus Phone not working.
I already have another DECT phone configured as an IP DECT Line in IP Office. So when I try to add this base system the only...
I am trying to have a customer deploy and new application server and have tried 3 different version of the IP office. They can't deploy 11.1 version because they need to upgrade the virtual environment to be compatible with 11.1. Each time they deploy they are getting SSLCertificateFile: file...
I have a SE at 11.1 FP2 SP2 with 3 Expansion IP500s at remote locations. I was able to onboard the main server using the WebManager and port 7070. However, I can not Onboard the expansion systems. I select them and press onboarding and it just spins. I can access users and HGs and other...
System is a SE on 11.1 FP2/SP2.
Customer just started to use IX Workplace just for basic calling and getting voicemail, No presence. ( Not using TLS) They are getting error message "Your message may not be up to date". The app functions fine for what they want. But the error is always there. I...
I am in the process of spinning up IPO 11.1 FP2 SP2 VMware. I am running into an issue after the ignition process I do the IP Office initial configuration using Web Manager and click apply. The unit appears to restart/reboot but, I can not access it or ping it. I can access it through the...
I know I have seen this before but can't remember how to fix it.
IPO 10.1.SP3 with 9608 the Display on 2nd line shows Unavailable. The phone can get calls and make calls no problem.
I thought it was some sort of presence setting but can't seem to find this specific one. Done anyon have some...
Does any know what this alarm is? It doesn't appear to be service affecting but, I have never seen it before and the IP500 and UC module was just upgrade a few days ago.
VRConfig::Validate: Possible Bad PBX Configuration - record_type=CfgRecordUSPRILine [19] pad=232 record len=15202...
We are trying to set up a SE 11.1.2 to email SMTP alerts for 911 calls. Customer is using G-suite/Gmail. System looks like it connects to Gmail server but then just drops connection.
I thought it was account but if use same account /credentials in the VM pro Email settings I get emails.
I have...
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