Hello everyone,
Thanks in advance for reading my post. So here is what I'm trying to do. I have a customs invoice that has two groups:
1 - Grouped by Country (coming from product order lines)
2 - Within the country grouped by manufacturer (also coming from the order lines)
There is a twist...
Hello Everyone,
Thanks a lot in advance for reading my post. So I have a new report I started to work on, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to put it together.
Basically this is the deal. I need to be able to see how customers are doing in terms of sales given a date range last year...
Hello everyone,
Thanks in advance for reading my post. So I have a report with a crosstab on the report header and thats all I have in there. This report is to keep track of customer service reps and the count of return authorization numbers they give out. This is how my data is arranged on...
Hello Everyone,
Thanks in advance for reading my thread. This is probably simple, but I just can't find my way around it. I have a sales order report that shows item, quantity, price, etc.
When the users run the report, I have a parameter field to enter an order # to be able to pull the...
Hello Everyone,
Thanks for reading my post. I'm trying to suppress the page header on the last page if there are no records printed on that page. Any ideas? Thanks a lot.
Crystal Reports XI
Hello Everyone,
Thanks in advance for reading my post. So here's what I'm trying to do. I have an International Invoice report that lists customers and products. I have two groups. The first group I do it on customer number. The second group I do it on product type based on the formula below...
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for reading my post. I have a question regarding how to create running totals on groups. I have a report that lists products by product type and also by price. Currently I have the report setup like this on the detail section of the report:
Qty ProductType Descr...
Hello Everyone,
Thank you for reading my post. So basically I a report that is an invoice report listing product details such as product number, description, quantity, price, amount, and totals on the report footer. That works great. On this main report, I have some information on the page...
Thank you very much for reading my post. I hope I posted this in the right forum. Basically I'm designing a database for a small computer repair business using MS Access 2010 as front end and MS SQL Server 2008 Express for backend. My client keeps all of his customers in MS Outlook 2007. As part...
Hello everyone,
Thank you for reading my post. I am trying to convert a date into words sort of. Here's an example:
11/09/2010 convert to: 9th of November 2010
01/01/2010 convert to: 1st of January 2010
I've tried the function MonthName(month) for the month and works and the year Year(year)...
Hello Everyone,
Thank you very much for reading my post. I hope I posted this in the right forum. Basically I'm designing a database for a small computer repair business using MS Access 2010 as front end and MS SQL Server 2008 Express for backend. My client keeps all of his customers in MS...
Hello Everyone,
Thank you in advance for reading my post. I am trying to figure how to approach this problem. My company ships stuff internationally to Asian countries and to make things easier we want to create one invoice out of multiple ones for the same customer for any given billing...
Hello Everyone,
I am trying to modify a report what contains order information. Currently the report takes one parameter (order number) and once entered it displays the particular details or that order. However, I have been trying to figure out how I can enter and print a range for example from...
I'm creating a commissions report for sales reps at the company I work for. I need to be able to summarize a running total at the end as well as formulas derived from the running total. Here’s what I have so far:
CustNo, Name, GroupNo, NetInvoiced, GroupDiscount, CommissionBase, Commission
Hello Everyone,
Thanks for reading my post. This is what I need to do:
I have an invoice report with order lines. Each order line has a memo field that may or may not be filled in. If it is filled in, then the field contanins a path to the memo file on the file system like this:
Hello,Let me explain the scenario. Basically I'm creating an invoice copy report for customers. Each invoice has order lines and each order line may or may not have line text (comments). For whatever reason each line text for each order line is stored in a separate text file on our file server...
Let me explain the scenario. Basically I'm creating an invoice copy report for customers. Each invoice has order lines and each order line may or may not have line text (comments).
For whatever reason each line text for each order line is stored in a separate text file on our file...
Hello everyone,
I'm creating a report for monthly customer statements. I have two views on the SQL Server, one that pulls all the customer info as far as address, etc. The other view pulls up the invoices. On my report the two views are joined by customer no. I created a group based on the...
Hello Everyone,
I have a report that takes 3 parameter values. Customer Number, Start Date and End Date. I currently have the users enter all this information. However, I want to have the users only enter the customer number have the start date fixed to be 01/01/2007 and the end date to be the...
Hello Everyone,
I have a customer sales report that has a group header and its grouped on customer number. On the same group header I have a crosstab. I need to show the last order date for travel orders and last order date for phone orders. In our database a phone order would be order type 1...
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