We have a IPoffice Main site running 4.2.14
They have 3 remote sites running IP handsets with no issues.
They also want to deploy some fax machines to these locations.
We have done similar on Mitel sites using PAP2t ( sip- analog) devices. I understand that teh IP office does not support Sip...
3300 Cxi Running 9 UR2 PR2 ( 9.0.2_31)
APC installed as Teleworker and Mobile Extension
Mitel 6000 Mas Version is
Mobile Extension Installation version is 1.1.28
Mobile extension is installed and tested and operational.
We have purchased some client licenses so that we can
load the...
I have just set up a new server for UC 2
- its running server 2008 Standard ( 32 Bit).
When I try and install the Mixml Server component it fails to start the service and indicates that I dont have sufficient rights.
If I install just the uc server component it all installs properly.
If i try...
I have a HTC touch pro runnig Windows Mobile 6.1 Pro
and an XP pro Sp3 laptop.
Activesync is ver 4.5.0 build 5096.
Every time the Activesync connects or disconnects from the Phone , windows explorer pops to this folder
C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync.
does anyone know how to stop it ?
3300 Mxe
5550 Console
The user was asking how she can add entries to the phone book ?
Is this self populating from the Mitel controller ?
Can it be an external database ?
I remember something in the config setup that mentioned a database location for a shared file.
One of our techs let me know today he had seen a 5212 that was displaying ext # 101 on its LCD display below the data and time when the phone was idle.
Tech didnt know the Software version of the controller but its a new install so I would think its 9 something , controller is a CXi.
Mxe 3300 ( embedded voicemail)
site has some apartments that are to be used for short term accomadation ( 2-3 mths max). each apartment has an analog ext with a voicemail box.
Is there a management feature to reset a mailbox to new via the admin or manager mailbox?
I can delete a...
I have a phone user manual in word 2007
that contains access codes
eg To call forward your phone dial the "fwd all code" #1
The access codes are stored in an excel worksheet and they may vary between sites.
What I want is some code that will check the excel worksheet
for the text "fwd all...
System is Mitel 3300 Cxi
WE have just taken over support for this site and I went to site to sort out some issues.
On arrival ( b4 making changes ) I successfully completed a backup.
The installer hadn't initialised the voicemail ( via admin mailbox so the voicemail wasn't working. I...
I just need to clarify something regarding ports for voicemail
1: Mxe has 30 Ports ?
2: Cx & Cxi have 4 ports standard
- adding a T1E1 card - adds 12 Ports of voicemail ?
- Is there any other card that adds to the voicemail port count ?
- is this documented in any of the manuals , I've...
I have a 6 pim IPS running Sc3385 K1-003.16
It currently has 1 virtual Pim assigned as follows
050 19 00
051 19 1
052 19 NONE
053 19 NONE
054 19 07
055 19 1
056 19 0
057 19 3
058 19 0007
This gives me 1 pim , I need to...
I have a 5330 Configured as a teleworker handset
Its screen is very Dark and there is no option for adjusting brightness? Entering the Debug menu , tools and features and view version info shows
- Main load version
- Boot load Version
- L2Boot Load Version
Has anyone used these phones yet ?
We have some to install on a new install
System is CX running 9 UR1.
We have added the user and selected 5312 , but the phone wont complete the start-up.
It gets a DHCP address but wont prompmt to login using Superkey , the phone just goes around in a loop...
Cxi Running Ver 9
has APC Teleworker Blade installed as Server Gateway.
Adsl connected via WAN port (ADSL modem in Bridge Mode)
Sip trunks using Internode as Service Provider.
Calls can be established incoming and outgoing , but after approx 30 seconds the call has 1 way Speech - the B party...
is there a method by which a button can be lit to indicate the night mode is active.
I am aware if the feature access code to check the status , but I have a customer that just wants a button to be lit when the system is in night mode?
I need to read up on IP networking between 2 MITEL 3300's
I have a MOL account , but cant seem to find a manual that covers the subject in any detail?
Is there a 'feature programming guide' for Mitel other than the web based help file ?
Is there a way of exporting all form data from a Mitel 3300 MXe Controller in one hit ?
I know I can export most of the pages one at a time but wanted to get the whole lot done quickly ?
I have an IPS 2000 System that has been working fine for a couple of years.
Now all of a sudden I have a couple of exts that cant set call forwards.( its not SFC related)
They have tried using the Callback cancel codes in case there is a stuck callback but that doesnt help.
The Call forward...
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