We have an IPO 500 that uses embedded voicemail for the longest time since its first operation which is around 2008.
A few days ago, the voicemail started to fail. When i check the unit for voicemail, the display indicates that Voicemail is not running. Which is a bit odd since there has...
Hi, I am experiencing an alarm that says "Voicemail Storage: Storage is full"
I cant seem to find a way on how to clear this alarm, i think the only way to clear the alarm is to clear the storage of its contents.
Also, since the storage is full, the voicemail is no longer accepting messages...
Hi All,
the subject might be too confusing, so to clear... I am thinking of an application to be developed in VFP9 that would do be able to do the following:
1. connect to SQL server as a client
2. multiple user capable
3. Real time reflections of data being updated
the application is some...
I have been trying to setup a Site-to-site VPN that would connect 2 offices and share on the Networks resources and of the SBS 2003 functionality.
For the 1st Office we have the following setup:
2 ISP connected to
1 PePLink 380 Router with IP -- (DHCP disabled)
We have an IP office 500 system and IP Office Manager 6.1 (12)
we had it installed and configured before for the normal 5410 phones.
As per status we have :
2 DS 8
1 VCM 32
i found out that we have in stock about 6 units of 4610SW IP and some 4621SW IP.
question is, how do we set this up...
Hi, would like to seek the help of those who have already gained experience with the IP Office 500.
A bit noob question, but cant find the answer in the documents:
1. Ringing issue - callers are complaining due to long wait, meaning, from the caller side (outside calls) they have already heard...
Hi Guys,
I am about to start installation of Win SBS 2k3 R2 on a new server.. and before i start anything, I would like to make sure that there wont be anything that I may have overlooked and configure the Server improperly.
IF you guys can share the best practices from HD partitions to the OS...
Hi Guys...
i am wondering what in the world could be causing all these craziness..
I have added about 20 workstations in a domain.. all was successful in adding.. all are able to login through the domain...
now here is the crazy thing... some of it i can ping the servers, and the servers can...
hi guys,
best thing about starting from scratch is we can avoid doing mistakes or being trapped in the pitfalls..
for the experts out there.. what are the best practices in starting a network..
we just got our very first server which acts as our DC/ADS.. and we are planning of putting our own...
Hi Guys,
we are on the process of installing a windows 2003 server r2 x64.
We got the hardware fully compatible and all the drivers at hand. We have the info for a domain, lets say company.com.jp,
we have our website being developed and hosted outside. we have the emails hosted also by another...
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