I have a bcm 400 and we have changed the the first digit of a 4-digit extension from a 8 to a 3 on all the phones.
I'd like to change the voicemail system's leading digit from an 8 to a 3. How do I do this and are there any negative side effects to doing so?
I spent many hours building quite a few custom routes/destination codes into our BCM 400 which allow us to use 4-digit extensions to call a facility in another state. I have 2 other BCM 400's that I would like to "copy/paste" these same routes/destionation codes into. Is this possible (Man I...
Is there any good documentation on the BCM 400's security model? We are wanting to give a couple users some basic duties to perform on the BCM without giving them admin priv's, so am hoping there is some 'easy to understand' documentation someone can point me to. Thanks!
I have a facility that is running a bcm400. They are currently configured to run with 3 digits. HQ is wanting us all configured to run on 4-digits and they have randomly assigned this facility to have the first digit be an 8 then the last 3 would be the 3 they are currently using.
I just...
I have a user that would like to have unanswered calls to his desk forwarded to his cell phone after 3 rings.
We have a BCM 400. How can I do this?
When we originally setup our BCM, I loaded a bunch of music onto the BCM for hold music. That PC has crashed, and for the life of me I can't remember what format the music needs to be, the file size, and what tool I used to pull the music off a CD to upload into the BCM.
Any ideas?
We have a T7100 phone out on our production floor where it is extremely noisy. They have requested an aux ringer for the phone. When I contacted our vendor, they didn't have any ideas on what kind of ringer would work for it. We tried a Clarity WR100, but it wouldn't work and Clarity stated that...
I am trying to setup some destination codes in my BCM 4.0 and I've noticed that some numbers are not available to me. Could someone please explain why they are not, and if there is anyway to clean it up so I have more of them available?
Here are the ones I cannot use, but that I would like to...
We had to reload our voicemail system last night, and sadly I didn't get down all the information I needed.
When we leave the office, we put our phone to night ring, and the message used to say to press 2 for after hours which rang hunt group 02 (this hg was configured with several of the phones...
So I know how to setup speed dials, but I have a request that is a bit more advanced, and I'm trying to see what options might exist.
Basically they are wanting me to setup a 4-digit 'alias', that when the 4-digits are dialed, the bcm in the background dials the 1+areacode+phone number...
We have 3 BCM 400's, at 3 different sites, in 3 different timezones.
What we would like to do is have the systems setup so that they can be put to a night ring, but then when the first site opens at 8am est, the phones all ring there, then when the next one opens mst, the mountain and pacific...
This is a really stupid question, but I can't figure it out for the life of me.
I have a phone that needs to have the extension changed on it, how do I do that?
I'm on a BCM 400.
Last night we applied the BCM.R400.SU.System.007 patch to our BCM400. Everything came up just fine, phones work, can still use element manager, but when went to apply the desktop patches, when we selected the file, nothing happens.
It seems to be the case for any of the updates we try now, not...
When attempting to send a fax from a users desktop, we are getting a failure. I've pasted the CPTrace file.
Anyone have any ideas what is wrong? In the number that is being dialed, our phone procedures requires a long distance code, thus the ,,000000 at the end.
08:24:57:051 - CallPilot...
We just upgraded to 4.0 from 3.7. Faxing from the desktop has always been "dicey" in that it never consistantly worked. With 4.0, it doesn't seem to work at all. Here is the trace message from CPTrace. I tried it with and without the 9, and got the same results. Any ideas?
08:55:06:028 -...
Last night I successfully upgraded our bcm 400 from 3.7 to 4.0. All the phones are working as well as voicemail, faxes, etc etc.
The issue is that I am unable to ping or use the element manager to connect to the BCM from the network. When I plug into lan2 with a cross over cable, I am...
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