My laptop was connected wireless to a network at my work, I was able to connect to internet, and to another pc and a printer which are connected to the same network.
Now i have a wifi repeater. The repeater is connected to the network and my laptop is connected to the repeater (all...
I'm updating a chekbox from a textbox-event
My form is bound. continuous. There are 3 textbones (bounded), and a CheckBox (bound to a bool field). If ONE of the textboxes has a value > 0, then the checkbox should be true. else, false. This should be triggerd by the change_event of the...
In my table I have some boolean fields. I would like to create a column in a query, that tells me if there is at least one of the booleans fields that are 'true'.
I tried to write (in query design view) somthing like that:
NewColumnName:= IIf ( ([blField_1]) = -1) Or [blField_2] = -1) Or(...
There are some threads about this, but stil cannot get it:
In the form-header of a bound form - continuous, I have a text box. I want it to give me the sum of a field.
So I'm trying to put a Sum() function as the Control source, but I'm getting an #error.
=Sum([Field 1])
Field 1 is the...
For a long time I did'nt work with Access. Now I'm back (first time with 2007...)
I'm working on a bound form. continous mode.
I wrote some code to the events (click, BeforeUpdate...) of some controls (CheckBox, TextBox) but nothing happens. I even tried with breakpoints in the code, but it...
Is there a possibility to preserve a value after closing the DB - other then storing it in a table?
I have an 'option group' on a form, what hes value is been put to a global variable. I would like to keep the choice the user made , for the next time he is opening the database. how can this...
I have a simple DLookup function to retrieve data from one field, based on a 'date' in another field.
it's almost working fine, but there is a problem: the function is swapping two dates: for the date 9/5/2009 (which means 9 May), he returns the value for 5/9/2009 (= 5/Sep).
In the table's...
I would like to be able to generate a Query (kind of) by VBA-code, but based on values not in a table.
by exp: to get a list of Months between to given dates (wich will given by the user).
Is there something like this? I think it should be something very simple, but I'm missing something...
My form have several textboxes, which some of them should be in one language, tha others in another language
The goal here is: when the user clicks in the textbox, it should automatically change to the desired language.
How do I achieve this?
(my office currently have 4 languages, working...
I am wondering if there is a possibilety to create a query that should retrieve data from tow tables which are not related?
I have a table with contacts, wherein i have some fields for addresses, and i also have a table with Location, also with some addresses fields. (in both tables, I'v...
Hi to all of you
I have an 'unbound' listbox on my form ('bound'), with as RowSource a Parameter-query.
What I would like is, that in the 'OnCurrent' event of the form, the 'Parameter' should be entered by code.
Some facts:
The parameter is expecting a number (representing a weekday: 1 for...
How could I change during run-time the form's actual Height?
I tried to change the form's 'Form header.Height' & 'Detail.Height' but the form stayed the same.
Thanks in advance
Hi to all of you,
I wan to use a function in a control source of a textbox, and it doesn't works.
the thing is, that it's a own developed function. the function should convert a numeric value to a certain string. (the values and the strings are stored in a table. )
the function works ok when...
It might be a very simple function, what I don't know yet.
I have a field which contains values from 1 to 7, which represents weekdays.
what I want is, that when i am using this field value in a form/report, it should be converted to weekday-name string. (example: the value 1 should appear...
Hi everybody
Here is my situation:
I have a mainform, subrform 1 (requests, and subform 2 (orders). each of these subforms have got - among others - a textbox (total) with some functions as control source.
the subforms are working.
I would like to get the value from these totaltexboxes, in a...
when i open the form, i would like the form should go to a specific record.
the form is bound to a date-field (named ReqDel_Date), and i would like that the record containing the current date (if no current - the the next) should get the focus.here is what i tried, but no result...
I have a table with Contracts (rent of apartment's), what was a field Date_Begin.
there is also a table PRICES, where i enter the price(s) for each contract (the price can change annually).
What I want to achieve is, a query that should give me -per contract- a list with a record for every...
Hi every body. should be a very simple one, but I can't get it.
what will be the right syntax to use the format function for a date in a control source?
I tried:
format([OrdPic_PickupDate], "MM DD") OrdPic_PickupDate is a field containing value of data type
I get #Name? in the textbox
I tried...
I haven a textbox to fill in and/or change a date.
The fillin or change, can occur in several ways: manually; automatically by the Click Event; through the Plus/Minus or Up/Downbuttons.
I want to put some code that should validate the value, and undo (back to OldValue) if necessary...
In a DCount function, i want to use a 'date' value in the creteria.
a date is filled in a textbox (which's format is General Date, and the function should search if this akready exists in the table. the field where the creteria is looking, is date format.
but it didn't find nothing. I can't...
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