Has anyone seen this message on the MGC card? Make a call and connect for about 3 seconds and then it disconnects.
02/04/2009 11:20:41 LOG0003 VGW: VGW2118 VGW Connection setup failure : MAC address configuration unsuccessful (target device not responding), call failure on channel: 97 (51)
All the phones should say Nortel Inside on the lable like this one.
Just for laughs you can mess with your Cisco buddies.
Aastra Authorized Reseller
I have a problem that I can't seem to find a fix for yet. TM 3.2 and CS1000E 5.5.
Directory uploads and searches fine but when you select dial you get a 0 added to the front of the number. When looking in the in TM the Directory Number and Extension Number are correct but the ESN number has a 0...
Connecting a HMS400 to a DIGI EL160 and having no luck. I have a DB9f to DB25M cable going to a DB25F to RJ45 adapter going over to a DIGI EL 160.
Pin outs are as follows per DIGI docs...
P/N 76000451
DCE to Terminals/Printers)
RJ-45 Jack Signal DB-25 Male
1 RTS 5
2 n/c 6
3 DCD 20
4 RxD 2
I am going to attempt to start up my own install and upgrade company and what I am having trouble with is figuring out the quoting. I would like to keep it as simple as possible. Do any of you have any tools that may help a startup? I can figure it out on how long it would take me but I also do...
Have a tech on site that says he can not get the web page to pull up with IE 6 and Java 1.5.11. Callpilot 100 is version 3.0
Artificial Intelligence Is No Match for Natural Stupidity.
The latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up...
I am trying to help a buddy and I need to know what the option is called to allow CO trunks access to IP trunks and vice versa. I know I could find it if I was looking at the SRG.
Artificial Intelligence Is No Match for Natural...
I have a SRG50 with a PRI. CS1000E at the main office. All sets are registered and working properly with one exception. BCM is all patched up.
SRG is 3.0 and PBX is 5.0 sip trunks.
ext 51xx in normal mode forwards set to CallPilot.
Call comes in PRI at SRG and then you get a message from the...
I have a BCM50 and I need to load patches the problem is I am not a BCM person. It is a SRG
Software version says it is
SRG software shows 1.2.293
Artificial Intelligence Is No Match for Natural Stupidity.
The latest survey...
Do not install patch CP500S02G30S as this will cause problems transfering calls to callpilot. This is new and no bulletin yet. Scenario is that any transfer that is not completed before the call gets to call pilot will look to the person doing the transfer that it was normal. Caller either gets...
Just got a call from a tech and they are on a new install of a CS1000E SA 5.0 system. The trouble they are having is that the I2007 sets will not get DHCP information. I2002 sets work fine. Anyone run into this yet? Is there something that needs to be changed on the DCHP scope for the I2007...
There is an issue with CLASS telephones and message waiting lights from 3.0 thru 5.0 and requires a PI patch to fix. The patch number is P16506. It has already been written for 3.0, 4.0 and 4.5 but it may still need to be written for 5.0. This also requires Nortel approval to be released.
I have searched and not seen any answers. We have a tech installing a CS1000E 5.0 with HMS voicemail for the guests. The trouble he is having is that when calling the HMS from the IP set, the HMS system will not recognize any digits dialed. If called from an analog set or digital set it works...
Here is what I have tried to do on several occasions and no one has been able to figure this one out that I can find. I have 2 Baystack 470's in a stack configuration and I have 2 fiber GBIC links to the customer's Cisco equipment. I have the 2 Baystack ports set up as a multi link trunk but...
Before you all tell me this is the wrong forum I know that. Just thought someone here might have some experience with this as I am not a Cisco programmer(thank God).
Here is what I have tried to do on several occasions and no one has been able to figure this one out that I can find. I have 2...
I have a remote site that is new. Here is the problem
Agent has to hit the MSB then NRD then incalls and then repeat the sequence before they get the agent ID prompt to login to the set.
This is a CS1000M Multi Group 4.5 CCM 6.0
I have a remote site that is new. Here is the problem
Agent has to hit the MSB then NRD then incalls and then repeat the sequence before they get the agent ID prompt to login to the set.
This is a CS1000M Multi Group 4.5 CCM 6.0
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