We have a VM box with a message that has pricing info that changes every day. Can someone point me in the direction of a programmatic way to do this?
Right now, I have am AutoIt script that clicks stuff on the desktop to use the Mailbox Manager to upload wavs to the greeting box.
Thanks in...
I have a BCM 400 with 3.7 software. Sometimes, when a user dials out,
a dial tone is heard
the number is dialed eg , 915555551234
the call is immediately dropped.
This has happened to different users every now and then. Usually after hanging up, it works normally. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
I have a Nortel BCM 400 with a Call Center. Whenever agents in the call center receive calls on a certain taget line, they report that that can't hear the person on the other end. The phone's display Line XXX and this always occurs. What are some steps one can take to troubleshoot this? Thanks.
I have a superloader 3 with LTO4 and a SAS connector (Part # EC-L2FAE-YF). It's connected to a HighPoint RocketRAID 2684 SAS card with an 8088/8088 cable. The internal SAS connection on the card works fine with SATA drives, but the external SAS connection won't see the loader. The computer is...
An XP Pro computer is having trouble applying the GPO and getting info from AD. When using the local admin account to add a domain group to local admin group, it prompts for domain credentials, then says RPC server not available. The RPC service is running and it can ping the domain controllers...
One user is getting "Mailbox full" messages even though it appears the mailbox is below the max. User stopped receiving new mail and could not send. I told user to move stuff to a .pst as a temporary solution. Below are the sizes (in KB)
User's MB 1972539
User MB items 13883...
I have a Nortel BCM 400 with a Call Center and it continuously gives me problems despite being configured by 2 different pros. Calls sporadically get caught in endless loops when they should be kicked out to an external number in 3 minutes. Now, IP phones can't connect. When they used to...
I have a Comcast Business high Speed connection. Comcast's SMC modem/router is connected to my firewall. My firewall only uses the Comcast connections from my LAN to the outside for port 80 and 443 (HTTP, HTTPS).
Suddenly, people are having trouble surfing the web. About 1/4 the time, a page...
I have a Xerox Phaser 7400DN and it looks like I'm missing a cushion part under the Cyan drum. The green circle on the left is where it should be. The green circle on the right is where the magenta cushion is. It's just some foam rings on a plastic part and a spring. It bounces. I can't find a...
I have a distribution group that requires all senders to be authenticated (groupA). Now, users want an outside mailing list to be able to be send to groupA. I've unsuccessfully tried:
* Using a transport rule to forward
* An unauthenticated dist group with groupA as a member
* Made a contact...
User deleted 2 weeks of future appointments from Outlook. The appointments are still in BB Calendar with green color. It's a Pearl. I tried 1 way sync from BB to Outlook. No items were copied over. I added a 1 character note in green future appointment and synced, nothing copied in to Outlook. I...
I have several resources that auto respond for scheduling. They are rooms and equipment. Users don't like opening each resource's calendar to see what's available when. How can I go about getting a summary of these various calendars combined in one place for a user defined date or even range of...
When I try to generate a report at the Reporting for Call Center web site, after clicking the View report button, the year Drop down only has 2003-2008. This makes generating recent reports impossible. Before I go editing the web pages with notepad, is there a better way to add 2009 to the drop...
A boss and secretary are having problems with calendars. Boss put up and appointment last month, but secretary never saw it. Secretary opens it as a shared calendar in Outlook 2003. It it visible in boss's Outlook 2003 calendar. This calendar is not a pst calendar but in fact the calendar on our...
I'm trying to see if a user was logged in to my Exchange 2007 SP1 server last night, and if they were, from which IP. Since then, the user has logged on and off this morning, so get-mailboxstatistcs and get-logonstatistics aren't showing what I need. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
I have a Nortel BCM 400 with a CCR Tree that should send calls to the Call Center DN when a user presses 1. Suddenly, this is not happening. The BCM Monitor shows calls going to a different DN, then for a split second it goes to the correct CC DN. On the phone, I hear ringing, then for a split...
server1 is Exchange 2007 Sp1 user and group mail. server2 is Kerio on linux for mailing lists only (updates@mailing.x.com). server2 can send to individuals at server1 just fine. server1 has a distribution list (staff@x.com) that requires authentication to prevent spamming. Server2 can't send to...
I have Exchange 2007 SP1 and I'm trying to view which user is connecting from an IP address. netstat shows a connection to the IMAP port, but not the user.
Thanks in advance.
I'm running Exchange 2007 SP1 with Outlook 2003 and XP. When making meetings/Appointments, rooms auto confirm when added as resources through the Address book. However, when creating an appointment/meeting, users naturally try to select a room from the drop down. This doesn't make the request...
I have Exchange 2007 SP1 with a distribution group x. It only accepts messages from members on the list. Senders must be authenticated because members have easily spoofed addresses (john@..., jane@...). My Blackberry users cannot send to the list because they use Blackberry SMTP servers to send...
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