Hi, I have regular home Windows XP - however I couldn't find such forum here, so I had decided to ask.
When I type msconfig - my Startup brings following weird items on startup:
azde3fy8 in Temp folder azde3fy8.exe (I have 2 of those)
1357293636 as 1357293636.exe in Temp folder
I had...
Hello there!
I am not sure if this question belongs to this forum, if not, please, direct me to the right place.
I have Realteck HD Front Green Jack microphone and it worked with Skype until today when it stopped.
When I go to the Master Volume>Option>Properties and choose Realteck HD Front...
I need to have a text box with
label: Report Printed as of
and text box: last day of the previous month
P.S. I wanted to use DateSerial(Year([MyDate]), Month([MyDate]) + 1, 0) - however I am placing it on form and i don't have MyDate.
thanks again
I am running code:
Set rst1 = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL1, dbOpenForwardOnly)
Do While Not rst1.EOF
' Open records for this ID, sorted by Date.
strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM Scales WHERE ID=" & rst1!ID & " ORDER...
Good Day everyone!
I am having an issue with code I am running.
Do While Not rst1.EOF
' Open records for this ID, sorted by Date.
strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM TBL1 WHERE ID=" & rst1!ID & " ORDER BY Date"
Set rst2 = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL2, dbOpenDynaset)
It use to work for another...
Here is what is happening.
Report has a Page Header:
********Data etc....
Report_Footer has 2 SUB Reports with Page Headers:
Hello again.
I am trying to get totals for my numerous SUB reports.
I wrote a Crosstab query that shows blanks where I need to insert 0 (Zero).
Dataype is Numeric. I had tried
and many variances of...
Can you please, help me with dilemma.
I have a table
I have a group in Crystal where records are lined up as supposed to be displayed columnar way.
I am searching for the formula which does it and can't find one. Can you tell what brings records like this
to a
Record1 Record2
format??? Thanks much
I am having Report based on query.
I need to have summary and I am trying to insert text box where data source looks like following:
=(Select Count([Table1].[EMPLID]FROM TABLE1 WHERE [Table1].[COUNTRY]='FR')
I am placing this in the group footer and it gives me the #Name error.
Can you see...
Hello everyone!
I am outputting data from Access into Excel using VBA.
It is simple table with ID and columns with partially missing data.
I need to output about 5 WKsheets.
Each will have different amount of columns and rows.
I need to insert total counting blanks per column.
There is a...
I am running compliance querie - 12 different queries.
I want to put them in a Function and run one by one - which I did.
Now I am thinking - even most of them come up with no result (which is good) - some of them sometimes come with result and I want to autamate it but IF result is <>Null - I...
I want my table to be renamed with date that is 2 month ago with last day of that month.
My code
Dim myYear As Long
Dim myMonth As Long
Dim myDay As Long
myYear = Year(Date)
myMonth = Month(Date)
myDay = Day(Date)
DoCmd.Rename "TBL" & " " & Format(DateSerial(myYear, myMonth - 2, myDay)...
I need your guidance in following.
I am using a following code where dtmDate1 is 1/1/2000
rst2.FindFirst "Date<#" & Format(dtmDate1, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"
Now I need a second recordset to read DATE previous to dtmDate1.
dtmDate2 = rst2!Date
dtmDate2 must be = 1/1/1999
Data looks like this...
I am trying to execute code which worked just fine when field was a numeric.
I had to change it to a text and now it is not giving me a correct result:
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strDel = "DELETE * FROM TBL"
dbs.Execute strDel, dbFailOnError
I think I need nester loop which I had never written before. Please, help me to decide.
I have only one table. Like illustrated below with data as shown.
11/11/2005 --12345-----010------------HIRED
11/11/2005 --12345-----010------------PROMO...
When printing an Access Report into PDF format and code keeps looping - sometimes Adobe is slow and while first Report is still hanging - another one ready to open up.
There is a function to hold off while PDF created and saved but I forgot which one. Does anyone remember? Thanks
Can someone please, help me with following.
I had created serious of Reports and now one person suppose to run them for all and save in pdf format and send out and it takes about 3 hours.
I remember I use to write code that was reading recordset with names and printing each Report witht he name...
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