I was able to import my tables into MS SQl 2005 and they will drop and create. When when I try to run them again on a schedule they will not work. Nor can I run them manually agian. But everytime I reimport them they work the first time. here is my error log. Can anyone please help me...
I was able to import my tables into MS SQl 2005 and they will drop and create. When when I try to run them again on a schedule they will not work. Nor can I run them manually agian. But everytime I reimport them they work the first time. here is my error log. Can anyone please help me...
I have been having some problems lately when exporting to Excel from Crystal 8. When I open them I get a read only error when I have just exported it. And I can't delete any of the files from my desktop after I am done with them it says its being used by someone else. Anyone else having...
I have a parameter that allows descrete values and also a range of values to be pulled. I need to be able to use the select expert starts with the values in my parameter. I can only use the start with when I enter one value, it will not let me enter a range of values and use the starts with...
I am able to preview all of my reports in the CMC when you hit preview, But when I try to refesh any of my reports I am getting this error:
handleCrystalEvent failed
Unable to retrieve Object.
The database logon information for this report is either incomplete or...
I have imported a report into Info View (that has no parameters), I am able to run the report on Demand, and I am also able to run the report within the CMC Preview. I have tried scheduling using the admin account, when using the publishing wizard and also with a authorized users. But anytime...
We have been using Crystal 8 for quite some time now and just installed Business Objects Enterprise XI R2 on another sever. So now we are planning on using the Crystal Server and Infoview. Going from Crystal Reports 8 to XI is a huge change for us considering we are going to being using the...
I need to create a loop that will sum a range of data between each *. Basically what I have is in Column 1 * randomly down the excel sheet, In Column 2 I have data. What I need to be able to do is sum the data that is in between every * in Column 3.
For Ex:
A1 = *
A123 = *
A220 = *
I have a list Box in Form1 of all SalesReps, it is set to Multi-Select and I want to be able to pull the values that are selected in a Query(Can be one or Multi Reps selected). I have tried =[Forms]![Form1]![ListBox1] in the query and that doesn't work. Does anyone know how to do this?
I have a report where I want to hide/delete a rows if the budget and Actual values are equal to 0 for an item.
I tried several things including creating a field where I said
if bugdet <> 0 and actual <> 0 then item
but it only hides the value for the item and shows everything else.
I am...
If I want to put a calculation in the form events that will recalculate no matter what happens in the from which is the best event to put a calc in?
I am not really good at Vb and I have seen several threads that are close to my question but I still can't figure it out, so I'll go ahead and appoligize if this is a dup post.
I have 2 sheets in my work book and Based on Sheet 1 if there is an X in Col B I need it to Copy and Paste that row...
In my form I have 4 different date fields, and I need to return the largest of those date in another field. I have tried the Max() but it doesn't work with multi fields, any suggestions?
I have 20 Sales Reps who all need access to the same report, only they are only suposed to see the section that is equal to their own SalesRep Code. In the past I had 20 different reports and the only difference was the Selection Critera was equal to their own RepCode. But as the company is...
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