Hello all, I have 3 Mitel system clustered with PNI 731 and having all the same distribution list in OPS manager. Also i have 22 systems clustered with PNI 54,which have their own distribution list in OPS Manager
Now i need to de-cluster the 3 system out of cluster 731 and cluster them into...
if i have a voicemail message my message key lights up and if i press it, it is dialling 6550, which used to go to our nupoint voicemail system, now the number of our nupoint has changed to 895000. How can i change the message key to dial 895000 instead of 6550 other that adding a speed dial...
Hello, When I recieve a voicemail in my email inbox. It is always send by firstname_Lastname@xxxx.com. Is there a way so i can change the _ into a dot or can i fill in somehow the senders adress e.g firstname@xxxx.com or firstletterfirstnamelastname@xxxx.com. So you can be more flexible in...
Hello, My colleagues in Vienna have a hicom 300 E with optiset E memory type phones.
Is there a way to block the sending of the callers(CLI) either by feature code on the phone of fixed programming.
Hello, i have advanced voicemail working on exchange 2003 which doesn't mind the mitel sending mails from mailbox_abc@ipadress 3300.
When we changed to a exchange 2007 server , exchange does'nt allow these names, it should be fistname.lastname@domain name(e.g. voice.mail@infor.com)
Who has some...
Hello, there was an old thread1329-1262652 wich spoke about deleting network element, i have to delete about 500 network elements. can someone tell me the quickest and easiest way to do this.
I have 2 sites now were a phone boots up in Vlan 1, gets its voice vlan options via the Cisco, boots up in Vlan 800, does a dhcp request gets option 43,125 or 128 and after that it stops.
If i deactivate the voice scope on the W2003 and actived the one in the Mitel(with excactely the same...
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