hello guys,
i am making a web application which displays scanned documents. now my clients want to see the scanned images just as big as the original document. the need to compare sizes of things. if an A4 document is scanned, they want to see the displayed image just as big as an A4 document...
hello guys.
i am making a web application which displays scanned images. now, our client wants to view images just as big as what they are supposed to be originally i.e. they want to see A4 size images for the A4 documents and A3 for the A3 sized documents.
if only there is a way to get the...
hello guys, i would like to batch print images.
but i dont know how to deal with large pictures... they get cropped and only a part of it is printed, the other parts are not.. can anybody pls help on this?
and on small pictures, is there a way to print them in the middle of the page?
thanks a lot.
hello everyone.
i am using red hat linux server. i would like to access files but then the hostname can not be resolved. i then found out that this hostname is not listed in /etc/host. is there other ways to look up this hostname other than by updating /etc/host? i can not ping the hostname but...
hello everyone, i have posted something like this before but that was a mess and i would like to start from the very beginning.
i am deploying a php application in an apache web server on a linux platform. now i need to access images through urls in my php code and do some resizing. but i cant...
i am deploying a php application in an apache server. now my application will try to access an image in another server. but i can't access it. when i tried to access an image on the same server using a public url, same thing happened. but when i access it using the ip address, i can see the...
hello everyone.
my php server is a linux environment. i have gd2_lib installed in linux server. when i tried to access image URL's with imagecreatefromjpeg, nothing happens. imagecreatefromjpeg fails, it returns a false.
may i know what are the possible causes for this? i really don't know...
hello guys,
i was referred here from the javascript forum. they suggested that i should make an activex component for image enhancement. our web application is an image viewer where you can zoom images. the problem arises when the images are zoomed out(scaled down) because the image quality...
hello everyone,
image resize is really a hard problem. and our system deals with resizing images often with just a click of a button. the quality of zoomed out images are really bad on web browsers. i have been asking help from this site regarding this issue.
we have found a solution for this...
hello everyone,
image resize is really a hard problem. and our system deals with resizing images often with just a click of a button. the quality of zoomed out images are really bad on web browsers. i have been asking help from this site regarding this issue.
we have found a solution for this...
hello experts...
i would like to ask if there is an existing activeX control for image enhancement and antialiasing. this has been a recurring problem. our system is an image viewer and this control will be used during the zooming of images. a client side control in a browser is needed so as...
hello guys,
i am really having problem with poor image quality in ie. i have solved this with a php code but it really is slow. now i need a plugin for ie that can do this. i am hoping that there really is one...
thanks a lot.
imagecopyresampled does a very good job in scaling down images, but now im having trouble with the scaled up images... images have no difference than the original one... antialias is also not applied... how can this be done?
thanks a lot...
can somebody pls tell me how to use gd lib to resize an image. i need help on this. and does the image really maintain most of its quality when using gd library to resize? pls help. i need a step by step guide on this...
thanks a lot for your help
hello everyone.
i am displaying images in my website but the image quality is really bad... image displayed is distorted.
is there a way to enhance image quality in javascript? i was planning to smoothen image but i just dont know how. i dont even know if image smoothing is the answer to my...
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