Need help.
i need to extend a 9TB drive to a 20TB drive in Windows server 2008 R2.
In disk management, its always pop up cluster size issue.
Is there a way to change the cluster size without formatting?
i have no other disk space to backup 9TB data and re-create the drive to 8K cluster...
I added a group for delegate administration to domain.
i installed remote administration tools in windows 8.1 desktop.
users can access the active directory from the tools but some of the OUs shown unknown.
what kind of permission needed for the delegate administration group?
1. for...
Need help.
How to enable/disable server 2008 (in a domain) bitlocker together with windows 7 professional clients?
what are the PROs and CONs to enable bitlocker in a domain network?
Will bitlocker affect Arcserve D2D backup?
Please advise.
SC Moh
Can one AD account have multiple mailboxes in Exchange 2010?
eg. one AD user in his department e-mail mailbox account (primary job scope) and having second work with another e-mail addresses. So account marcusb67 has the following e-mail addresses: marcusb67@domain_1.com (set as reply) and...
I have 2 networks in internal network and dmz network.
Internal network have 2 DNS servers to resolve name in both internal, dms hosts and public sites, dms network only have a public dns to resolve name in dmz host with public host name with public ip address (no internal ip address)...
Today, not sure what happens to the exchange server 2008. All outlook 2010 client prompt for password to access and for new account shown Unable to open your default e-mail folders.
Look like the AD of Server 2008 is not talking to exchange server.
Please advise what are the permissions...
Please advise the followings:
1. To create a distribution group, which group to use (global security or universal security or global distribution or universal distribution)?
2. how to delete a distribution group from MS exchange but keep the distribution group in AD?
with regards,
SC Moh
I need to create a folder in Windows Server 2008 with the following permission for a group of users (not administrator):
1. read folders and files
2. write folders and files
3. create the files
4. modify the files' content
5. CANNOT delete folders and files (include
Please advise.
Past 2 days, 2 Windows 7 64bits notebook (Japanese version) that used IE9 slowing down during browsing (even the start home page).
i have tried to reset, removed feature from Windows component and re-install, and none of them can start normally.
Is there a solution for it? and i used other...
Currently, using Arc-serve backup r11.5 and with one USB external hard disk to backup 5 weekdays job.
Because of the capacity of the USB hard disk, every Monday need to change the usb external hard disk (total of 4 usb hard disk for a month).
is there a way for Arc-serve to backup to USB...
recently, windows server 2003 had a blue screen with Invalid Kernal Handle, error code 0x00000093 (b8,0,0,0) and found nothing about it.
Please help.
with regards,
SC Moh
We have a CCTV web-based console to view all camera channels and we can view all camera stream with Widnows XP (IE8). When we used IE9 with Windows 7 or Vista, all camera channels shown black screen.
Is it because of IE9 or need to change IE settings?
Please advise.
With regards,
SC Moh
i have a batch file to execute when users log off or shutdown via 2003 group policy for windows xp prof. workstations.
How to include this batch file for Windows 7 prof. workstations ?
Please advise.
With regards,
SC Moh
In windows server 2003 group policy, i have a batch file to run during log off or shutdown via group policy.
Its work well with Windows XP prof (power users and network configuration operators) but windows 7 prof. nothing happens.
Please advise, is there setting for group policy to enable...
i used this batch file for network configuration operator users in windows xp start up without any issue.
route delete
route add mask
route add mask
recently, i added this batch file to the start up of windows...
I used run as (administrator) to execute disk cleanup (or program) and a popup message shown.
"The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to"
I can logon to administrator without problem (the account is not locked).
Please advise.
Moh S C
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