I have an initial application which prompts the caller to select a language. I then assign the language name to a call variable lang_cv. Then I do a route call to another application.
The call variable value does not seem to be carrying over from the other http://www.tek-tips.com/application...
We are having an issue with the redirect of a fax line. We have a fax number coming in via SIP trunking where we use G729 as a codec which we terminate on a Phantom TN (With CLS MPTA and DTN) and we DCFW back out to our fax server (We tried sending it back ou SIP and PRI which made no...
We just noticed an issue with our SIP trunking. We are able to place our 1st call to the fax machine and transmit our fax no problem. The problem occurs when we try to place a second call (When the fax is already busy) the CS1K R7.5 is returning a SIP 480 code which is temporarily...
We are having an issue when callers press 0 to revert out of a mailbox, they are redirected to the cellular telephone without a problem however after a certain number of rings CallPilot comes back and says it is unable to complete the session at this time.
I am able to fix the issue...
We just installed AACC 6.3 and I am starting the scripting portion. I am very familiar with the text scripts and I was wondering what the advantage is to use the Garphical Flow?
Also the master script has been changed for Contact_Router. Does this mean that you are no longer able to...
We are having an issue where when we place a call through SIP trunking to a telephone number and it redirects to voicemail, we are getting dead air.
If we answer the call on the set everything works perfectly. I notice that when the calls is redirected to voicemail another SIP trunk is...
We recently upgraded to 5.1 and since then we are unable to login to our mailbox via the GR partner. We are able to synchronize all users between GR parters without a probem.We had tested this prior and it was working. Anyone else experiencing this issue? Any idea for a fix or a patch?
I have some 1230 phones registered to the SLG. The question is how can I get the set to accept 2 simultaneous calls without adding a completely separate DN and having it hunt?
Hi Everyone I have a new CBCI PRI (NI2) and I am unable to terminate an inbound DID call. The outbound calls work perfectly however. Does anyone see anything potentially wrong? A point of contention with the carrier is that I am receiving 4 digits from the Central Office and my numbering plan is...
We are currently setting up SIP Line telephones on a Succession 7.5 system. Have anyone used a provisioning server to be able to send the configuration settings to the telephone by using a MAC Address specific configuration file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am having an issue where an SRG 50 user connected to the main site is having intermittent issues with the call forward to their cell. Sometimes it works and other times they with get a one way speech patch where they can hear the caller but the caller cannot hear them. There are also other...
My Security group has come to see me stating that the CS1000M is hammering an external time server (Internet) every 30 seconds on port 6666. We have removed all reference to that time server and it is still occuring. Any ideas?
We have been deploying 1230 IP sets to replace our existing digital telephones. There have been complaints that users must arrow down to see the second line of display. Is there a way to have the phone alternate between displaying the first line and second line so users don't have to...
Hi we purchased 2 G430 gateways with S8300 media cards with a System Manager and Session Manager server and we did not get a copy of Avaya Site Admin, is this normal? If not wher can I get the software because the native config manager is brual.
I purchased a G430 Gateway with S8300 Media server and I have a question regarding the built-in CM Messaging. I just finished setting it up and the main number answers however when I look at the subscriber count it shows 0. I thought those licenses automatically came with the Communication...
I m trying to get the MM710 card working. I have defined the card in the media gateway configuration however when I try and set the Signaling Mode to ISDN/PRI I am unable.. Any suggestions? Also where can I find a step by step guide to do this?
Hi we are upgrading to Windows 7 which has IE8 preloaded. The problem is that the Crystal Reports Viewer ActiveX plugin used to display historical reports does not work and I have tried everything. Has anyone gotten this to work, if so how?
I added the time difference for zone 23 (60 min difference) however I cannot get the parameter to take effect. If i do a prt ztp I see that the status is DIS. How do I enable it?
23 AGENTS | DIS |Yes|Yes| 3 2 1 2 | 11 1 1 2 | 60
Hi we had a new Rogers PRI put in today. We can get the D-Channel up and the 23 B channels but we cannot receive inbound or outbound. We get the following error:
Any ideas??
DCH 15 UIPE_IMSG CC_SETUP_IND REF 00005080 CH 40 1 TOD 15:06:42 CK EF888CF1
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