I have a simple I 2004 trying to activate with a BCM 50. I have done this countless times but this phone only shows up with the default time and date of 01/01 12:00A.M., nothing else. The phone is at the local side with no firewall or router in between, just a 16 port switch. Is there a Rls 1...
I have a BCM 50 rls1 with an analog cordless. I am trying to answer call waiting on a copper C.O.. I have tried "link 2" and "link 71" with no luck. Has anyone been able to get this to work?
Tried to install a 4 seat key code for a Call Pilot 150 Mini with 18 existing mail boxes and got the following error "Feature is not valid on current platform". Any ideas?
I have a phony ACD NCFW to mail. When it hits mail I need it to immediately ring the console. I know it sounds crazy but it has to be done this way. I just need to know when Mer mail gets the call how do I send it to the console without any greetings or menus? is it even possible?
I have a CP 150 with ACD that all works fine. After a minor storm the supervisor lost access to monitor ques. She can still get to the Call Pilot via I.P. and make all changes needed just can no longer monitor the que. Any ideas??
I have an MICS 7.0 and trying to connect the external paging but it won't work. I can test the Bogen paging with my but set and the MICS page port. They will not work together. I tried using an avail C.O. port with the same outcome. Any ideas?
I have a MICS that needs to have the CONFIG password busted. I tried with a RAD using the browser tool but kept getting "map. 'AOG00ENG file missing" Any ideas?
I have a BCM 50 RLS 2 that has been installed over 2 years and today all features quit working such as DND, Conf, Trans too V Mail, Etc. Has anyone seen this ? Is there a patch to fix?
I have installed an I2004 on a BCM 50. The phone is registered and working however there is no talk path either way, no internal or external dial tone. I have removed all firewalls for testing and no change.
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