Question about Access Runtime
I have a 32-bit split database (XYZ.accdb and XYZ_be.accdb) running in Windows 10 with Office 365 32-bit.
I want to send my database to a friend so he can run the database in the event I am incapacitated. He would be running this on a standalone computer. He does...
I am running the latest updated version of Windows 10 Pro. I am also running Office 365 on my desktop. I use an MS Access split database on my machine with no problems until two days ago.
Now when I exit Access it closes on the screen but remains running in the TASK Manager. If I try to go to...
I have an access database that has worked for years with no problem. The windows 10 system is running Office 365 on the desktop. The PC is 64 bit.
I just built a new PC that is windows 10 and I downloaded Office 365 from one of the allowed family subscriptions. When I try to run the access...
I created a robocopy script and wanted to exclude 2 folders from copying. The first is [highlight #FCE94F]AppData[/highlight] and the second is [highlight #FCE94F]OneDrive[/highlight]. I have tried to repeat the XD switch but that did not work (/XD AppData /XD OneDrive). I then tried the text...
I have a Lenovo M70e Desktop (ThinkCentre) - Type 0806, Machine Type Model: 0806E1U with a dead motherboard or CPU. I was running Windows 10 Pro on it when it died.
I want to try my hand at rebuilding it with a new motherboard, CPU, and memory and use my existing two hard drives. I have never...
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