Somebody with Iphone working outside LAN..
I have Lab with MES 6.3, without SBC...
Inside LAN the Iphone works ok
Outside LAN, Iphone registered on SM, It can make calls, only signalization, but when the phone called answer, the Iphone is disconnected..
calls from phone to Iphone no work...
We have CM to IP Office by SIP Trunk (NO using SES or Session Manager)
When we call from IP Office to CM, the caller ID is showed ok
When we call from CM to IP Office, there is not caller ID, showed "anonymous"
Any idea?
Thanks in advance
Somebody has implemented CS1000 with AAM via Session and System Manager?
we have a problem with external messages.
internal messages are ok, when I make a PSTN call to extension, I can record a message, but this is not recevied by the extension
new install cs1000 rel 7.5, AAM 6.2, System...
We have a IP office 8.1.56, with IP Office ContactStore csipo-7_8sp1_16
running on Windows Server 2008
The time showed when I do search call is UTC time
How I do to get the calls with local time
I use IE 8,
The time on server, VM Pro, IP Office show local time OK
Thanks in advance...
Ip Office: 7.0.32
Digital Trunk E1R2
HG configuerd as Longest waiting
VM Pro 7.0.32
We have a customer with next issue:
Itermittently appears a call in Queue with agents available
the call is showed in Dashboard and Wallboard and isn´t assigned to agents available, it is for 2...
IPO 7.0.27, CCR
continuosly presented SQL DAtabase Faulted
I have been erease event log on Server, but begin another time
Any idea?
Thanks in advance
Somebody has connect 7911g to IP Office
I download SIP firmware to 7911, the phone show "unprovisioned"
I see on log viewer that phone look for another files:
Any ideas
We have a IPO 8.018 analog trunks with users with line appearance key.
when an user dial 9xxxxxxx,the system ask for authorization code.
But, if they take line appearance key, they can dialing XXXXXXX without the system ask for authorization code
How I can do to make the system ask for...
We have a customer with Ip Office Rel 7.27
Before they had a Norstar with External Paging
Now, How I do to connect the Amplifier to IP Office to have external paging
Thanks in advance..
Somebody Know if NORSTAR ATA2 works with IP Office 7.23
with TCM cards?
We have T7316E phones working...
We want convert it to Analog, for Fax Machine..
Thanks in Advance..
We have Ip Office 7.23, with 1140E( firmware)
How to configure user key (1-5)?
If I add apparence for key 1 and save
The display show blank key 1
also, the feature key don´t work
Any idea?
Thanks in advance..
We have VM Pro, AA has 0-9 menu
key 1 transfer to sales hunt group
Extension numbers begin with 1XXX
how I do when I call to AA can thru dial to extension
(like Auto Attendant BCM callpilot)
(Nortel changing to Avaya)
We have a rare issue with fax messaging
We have set up a set with MV and unified messaging and express messaging line
so, when set A receive a fax call, all works fine, we can see the fax file on Outlook.
But, anyway the fax call is forward to fax machine
where I can see why the fax call...
How I do to have this:
Set A call forward No Answer to Set B
Set B call forward to VM(SET B)
When call to Set A, if no answer the call goes to set B, if set B No answer I want what caller goes to set B voicemail
Set A no mailbox.
We have a customer what want to see received call on your set.
how I do to turn on the Call logging feature and how is it works
thanks in advance..
We have a customer with RCC ver. 2.45.105
We can get historical data until 2010/12/27
when we pull historical data from 2010/12/28 we get zero´s
Real time data is ok
I rebooted the RCC and still with the problem
any idea?
We have a customer with BCM400 rel 4????
they have problem to access with EM, probably fail HD
With Monitor on BCM info TAB, show version: i40.02.101.26
I never seen this type of version.
Do I can see the version inside logs files?
I need know the version, for image the HD without loss...
We have a M1 with Callpilot Mini
When user access to VM and digit your password this is showed in the display of your set.
How I do for the password not was showed
any cls?
Thanks in advance...
I need change this ACD to do this:
When agents are busy, the calls stay in queue for 30 sec, then goes to mailbox 2639
How I can do this?
Thanks in advance...
CUST 0...
Returning the first post of the:
"We have a BCM 400 rel 4.02.03a running Call Center environment.We have problems with RCC, the BCM stop sending XML to third party application.When this happened, the agents are logoff so we have to do...
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