In Access I've linked an Excelsheet to the tables in Access. Through queries I update, append and delete records to ensure that the table has the latest data. When I execute the queries, I get several notifications. Some are of the kind that ask if I would like to proceed, some are a...
In Excel I've a column with all kinds of different dates. The format of the dates is 'Month day, year - time' (example: 'March 7, 2005 - 11:35'. The problem is that it's saved as text. I've copied these dates from a table form a website and can't edit it there. Since this will be a...
In my database I would like to make my own forms with my own design. In this design I've put several unbound comboxes and textboxes to type certain data in. When a form is filled in completely, there is a commandbutton which should make sure that all the data in the several comboboxes...
I would like to know how I could write data from a unbound textbox or a combobox to a table using VBA (for instance, a commandbutton). Is there an example which makes things clear to me? Thanks for your effort!
The last week I've been programming on a Excel-file that should calculate the optimal combination of persons and locations. I've made a table with 5 rows and 5 coloms. In the cells is a score filled in what gives an indication of the knowlegde of the person on that location (considering...
The last week I've been programming on a Excel-file that should calculate the optimal combination of persons and locations. I've made a table with 5 rows and 5 coloms. In the cells is a score filled in what gives an indication of the knowlegde of the person on that location (considering...
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