I am getting this error.
Please let me know what to do.
16 bit MS-DOS Subsystem
The NTVDM CPU has encountered an illegal instruction.
Choose ‘Close’ to terminate the application.
Thank you
// AIX 5.3.7 SP1
I have been trying to converting to rtf file with graphics to ps file, but am losing the format. After the conversion, ps file doesn't the graphics and/or indentations properly.
What I am trying to accomplish is that
#1: use a script to covert rtf to ps
#2: send the ps file...
// Word 2003
Under 'File' Menu, there are quick links (right above 'Exit') for the files I have opened previously regardless the file exists or not at the time I open Word.
1 C:\Document......\..\abc.doc
2 C:\Document......\..\edf.doc
How do you remove these links from the 'File'...
// oslelvel 5.3.7 SP1
I ran cfgmgr, and it is just hanging and nothing happens.
The only thing I can do was either ctrl + c or exit the session.
What would be the cause and the fix?
Thank you
I have this query, and it works fine other than the result for 'CntElseV'
sum (CASE WHEN StatusColumn ='AcceptVac' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS CntAccV,
sum (CASE WHEN StatusColumn ='AcceptNoVac' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS CntAccNV,
sum (CASE WHEN StatusColumn ='DeclineVac' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS...
I have this query and works fine. The output shows the different records between two tables. Is there a way to know what is different in each record? Sometimes, the output returns over 1,000 records. It is not possible to go over all columns of each record to compare what has been changed...
// HA 5.4
There can many types of HA events, and I want to add my e-mail address so that I can be notified via e-mail if there are any HA events.
Please advise.
Thanks much
I am a UNIX guy, and need to deal with 'virtualizing windows servers" at work. Sorry, but can you please let me know the source/info to get myself familiar with 'virtualization'?
I am trying to understand what 'virtualization' is in the Windows world.
Thanks much
I have a script and need to have the counts for A.AssociateID (to get the total emp count per dept) and vComply (which has three outputs, 'Compliant', 'Non-Compliant', 'Current'), grouped by dept.
So, the outputs I want are:
DEPT EMP_COUNT Compliant Current Non-Compliant
1S 44...
I believe my system is SMT enabled already as the smtctl output shows below. Please let me know if that is not case. Is there anything I need to double-check?
Thanks much
# smtctl
This system is SMT capable.
SMT is currently enabled.
SMT boot mode is not set.
SMT threads are bound to...
SELECT count(TRANSTYPE)/(select datediff (day, '11/10/2005', '12/31/2008')) as CntperDay
Please advise how to format this in decimal i.e. 51.23
Thanks so much
I am trying to get the SUM of c.Assonum, which should return 2,606, but if I plug in sum (c.Assonum) here it returns the SUM of 80,899. Obviously, it is adding a lot more than what is there. Please advise how to get the correct SUM of c.Assonum in this query.
sum (c.Assonum),
I have 6 queries like below.
The output I want is: Category(=the 1st column), Yr, Qtr, Cnt.
SELECT 'Medication', YEAR(convert (datetime,NurDateOfOcc)) AS Yr,
DATEPART(qq,convert (datetime,NurDateOfOcc)) AS Qtr,
FROM ....
SELECT 'Falls', YEAR(convert...
// SQL Server 2000
In the 'DailyLog' table, there is a field called 'VisitReason'.
If 'VisitReason' contains both of 'Flu Accept' and 'Flu Vaccine' in the date range given, then I need the count AS AcceptVac.
If 'VisitReason' contains 'Flu Accept' but no 'Flu Vaccine' in the date range...
I have a cluster node with 5.3 TL 7, and each node has a directory called /tempfs. If there are any changes on /tempfs on Node #1, I want to have it sync'd with /tempfs on Node #2 or vice versa.
I can think of using cron with * * * * * to copy from /tempfs on Node #1 to /tempfs on Node #2...
I have 4 queries below that each query should return different results due to the qualifications in WHERE.
What I want is the output is showing in a row i.e.
Qry1 Qry2 Qry3 Qry4
Dept A 11 0 1 9
Dept B 3 4 4 7...
I have this query to extract the rows that have invalid date data in them. This query pulls out all of rows with empty fields and/or NULL. How do you exclude those with empty fields and/or NULL so that the output contains the rows with wrong dates in them? If any of fields contains a wrong...
Is there a way to identify which/what is using "aioserve" processes? I have 6 CPUs, so it gives me 120 max # (6 * 2* 10) of "aioserver", but one thing I am not for sure is what is using the "aioserver"s. The reason I am asking is that I have two identical db cluster nodes. One is having 9 of...
Is there a way to increase the max # of "aioserver" w/o taking the system down? I have 6 CPUs, so it gives us 120 max # (6 * 2* 10) of "aioserver". I need to increase it if possible.
ps -Ao vsz,etime,pcpu,pid,args | sort -rnk 4 |grep aio
448 45-03:41:05 0.0 2666710 aioserver
temp files are filing up /temp so quickly, and I want to remove all files under /temp with a cron job 1) if there are older than 1 day and 2) if their prefixes are not cmb*
pls advise.
thx much
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