Anyone have experience with Call Manager 10.5 and MutiTech Faxfinder IP 240. r1 sip integration? Looking for SIP integration vendor. Call 217-424-2729, leave a message or email me.
Will BCM Call Pilot work with Office 2012? We have a BCM and it works with 32/64 bit up to 2010 and does not list 2012. Is there an update to allow 2012?
I have a E911 center currently running a BCM400 and special Vista Palace software for E911. We are replacing with a new Intrado VIPER for the E911 CAMA. I would like to know if it can be reconfigured in a new police building just for the police department and linked to the main city system that...
We have a BCM450 in the main office and need 60 phones in another building that will have several fibers installed soon.
The current system is a 450 with 2 cabinets. 1 PRI, No analog trunks, 128 digital phones installed. No IP phones. Unlimited voicemail, call pilot clients. call center.
The PRI...
Can someone give me a ASA part number that works on a BCM450?
We had some older ASA's that worked ont he BCM400. Not on the BCM450.
Any good sources to buy?
Vendor upgraded BCM400 to 450 last weekend. I have a few issues...
1. BCM Monitor does not display any PRI even with the checkbocx clicked for all information.
2. The CDR- FTP PUSH is not working. All information did not transfer during migration. Should have screen captured before migration...
I am the customer, not a vendor. Unable to log on to Avayas website without the sold to number. As a end user and administrator of the BCM450 product you would think that Avaya would allow access to the knowledgebase and fixes that may become available.
Should I be able to obtain a sold to...
I have connected a Door Phone and a Controller to the BCM400. When the button is pressed it rings the DN programmed and the OPEN is displayed. Pressing OPEN or "6" does open the lock. Great!
I would like it to ring several phones at the same time not just 1 DN.
Any suggestions how to have the...
Not sure if this is the correct forum since related to call pilot.
We are going to upgrade this weekend and need to know what to expect. 150 users need to be notified in advance.
1. Does anyone know if the passwords to mailboxes can be retained or at least default to 0000?
2. Will recorded...
Can these be extended via fiber a kilometer? More than a K?
I would like to add some station modules over fiber offsite if possible.
Fiber Expansion Media Bay Module (FEM)
Six fiber ports
Connects up to six Norstar* fiber-based trunk or station modules
Two LEDs: Power, Status
Utilizes 1 DS-30...
We are going to implement Intelligent Contact Center with Multimedia in January. Does anyone have positive or negitive feedback? Suggestions?
The Vendor is activating the all of the codes, I will be taking the reigns from that point.
Just want to know if the system will work as described...
Does anyone have any knowledge of BCM/IVR 2.x PeriView Consolidator?
Any recomendations of a VENDO that knows?
Any assistance would be helpful.
No new post about IVR since 2007.
Thanks in advance
Hey all, I am setting up a AA with a CCR requiring a Transfer to an external number.
I set option1 as a TRANSFER - ROUTE - 9XXXXXXX and it does not transfer, just loops around to the greeting.
I have set up FAX and used the ROUTE option in individual mailboxes that will allow outbound FAX. It...
Hi all, We have a BCM 400 with try and by Fax Messaging enabled.
With the help of this forum we have the inbound and outbound from desktop working.
Now we woul like a FAX cover page with Company name and LOGO.
i have followed the steps that in the instructions and spinning my wheels nowhere.
Hello, I have a BCM400 with unified messaging installed and working properly.
Last week we installed the FAX Suite Try and buy codes to test drive.
I have the inbound FAX to desktop (call pilot) working.
The nortel FAX was added as an available printer.
When printing to the Nortel FAX, it does...
Him I am a network support specialist and researching the FAX Suite options for the Nortel BCM400. We have unified messaging.
I understand that we can recieve FAXES in our Call Pilot Mailbox if we had the FAX Suite keycodes.
My question is how do you setup OUTBOUND faxing from the desktop?
Does anyone out there have a good power point presentation that shows BCM400 Call Centre with all the bells and whisles.
Our Water Billing Department that desperatly could use call distribution, IVR, Screen Pops, call monitoring, and especially reporting.
Our vendor told us that there are too...
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