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  1. bigindian65

    Thank you fellow Vets turned Phonemen

    TSB U.S.M.C. (Ret) Mato' Was'aka
  2. bigindian65

    Changing/Removing FTR on a 500

    plug analog phone or buttset into fax, or on TN w/ buttset. get dialtone then - hit # 1 then hangup. FDN will be cancelled. Mato' Was'aka
  3. bigindian65


    when a call is answered in a skillset, and the agent xfers the call to a different skillset, is going to Peg to both SK? If the agent xfers it, but waits for the other SK to answer, and does not xfer because no agent was available, will it Peg as a call offered or abandoned in the SK they were...
  4. bigindian65

    Fault in Script

    This script sends a % of calls offsite. Works well, except it seems after the 6th call goes offsite the next call after that chokes and goes to the default SK, then it works, repeats pattern. Cannot tell what is making it fall out of script after reset. READVAR counter IF counter = 6 THEN...
  5. bigindian65

    Palosanto Elastix IVR to 5.5 NRS

    Anyone worked with or configured an Elastix server and registered it with NRS? I have had it Static, non-RAS, RAS H.323 and await for it to register, but I do not think the Techs on the Elastix side know how to register it to a Nortel NRS. Once DSC is in place and pointed to IP of the Elastix...
  6. bigindian65

    Genesis and CCM 6.0

    We recently installed Genesis for a project. All our ACD sets are acquired in Symposium. Gen can control the sets, but should they be acquired in Sym or by Genesis only?? Mato' Was'aka
  7. bigindian65

    INNUA Webinar Wed 1PM est.

    Dear Nortel Customer, As I mentioned in my message yesterday, providing timely and direct information to INNUA members will be our top priority. To this end, we have worked with Nortel to host a Webinar tomorrow, Wednesday, July 22, at 1:00 p.m. EDT/12:00 p.m. CDT, to discuss the recent news...
  8. bigindian65

    Music Broadcast Lics

    Where and/or why would 4 individual music lics be? CS1000E 5.5 MUS CON 96 LEFT 28 USED 68 Mato' Was'aka
  9. bigindian65

    CS50 & CS70 Wireless headset 3905

    Those will work on 3905 ACD sets with Call Force right? Mato' Was'aka
  10. bigindian65

    5 Digit ACD environment

    Anyone see a problem including that in a new UDP, as far as, PosID & Non-DID SCR? Key 0 ACD 4400 0 60000 Key 4 SCR 50000 Mato' Was'aka
  11. bigindian65

    3900 Series Local Diagnostic?

    I take it there is no Local Diag for the 39XX series on the set level the way there is on the 2216 & 2616 sets?
  12. bigindian65

    Motorola CP's End of production

    Might as well put this out now. Don't want it to sneak up on anyone like (don't slap me for saying this word) new DST chg did. Retirement Bulletin Bulletin Number: MD-2004-0111-Global-Rev3 Date: 15 February 2005 Note this bulletin is replacing previously released versions of MD...
  13. bigindian65

    Remote Agent Observe - Skillsets

    Anyone using RAO? The RSM populates Agt ID and Position ID to the card fine. How does the Skillset populate? I have a list of 5 digit numbers under the Skillset drop down, do I have to figure out which Skillset names these are? I have not checked the VxWorks code yet. I do not know how a...

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