Hello everybody! I had a quick couple of questions regarding a new database I'm currently looking into designing. I'm pretty new to database design, I've currently only been involved in Access 2007 database design and nothing else. The problem I'm having is if with this new database I'm not...
I'm having this very weird problem at work. When a button is clicked this code below is executed. The code searches to make sure an Outlook program is running and if it isn't opens it. It also opens a click yes program that will hit yes when pop up comes up that access is trying to send an...
I've got a report that I need to be emailed to a certain person each time the button for it is clicked. What I'm having trouble with is that the report I'm emailing has criteria to give me a certain record on the report. Here how my report was generated before I found out I need to email it...
I'm pretty new to visual basic and need a little help figuring out this problem. I'm currently using Access 07 and Outlook 07. I have a button on a form that when clicked will send a email message through Outlook to certain recipients. The problem I'm having is that I have Outlook being...
I'm really new to access and need a little help. When my report is opened I ask the user to enter information into four different input boxes that go into 4 different text boxes I have. What I want to happen is that if the user clicks the cancel button on the last input box it will clear...
Hello. I'm new to Access and currently using Access 97. I'm trying to have a default value in a text box come in when I type in a text box right next to it. How would I go about doing this or is it possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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